
med Sofia "Mymlan" Mirjamsdotter

Arkiv för January 2007

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Aftonbladets bloggar mest besökta i Sverige

av Bloggvärldsbloggen

”Google är det nya http://”

av Bloggvärldsbloggen

Dagens must-read är den här artikeln (på om det faktum att miljontals användare använder Google när de ska besöka en sajt, istället för att skriva in domänen i adressfältet (högst upp i browsern).

I’ve noticed lately that many users have all but stopped typing domain names directly in the web browser, and started using Google instead. Instead of writing “” as the address, they write “myspace” into Google.

I’ve seen this behavior from my coworkers and friends, but it really becomes apparent when you see the top 1000 results of Google searches. Many of the top searches, like “bebo”, “ebay”, “yahoo”, “amazon”, “myspace”, “facebook”, aren’t really searches at all – these terms are mostly written by users who know exactly which page they want, but they’ve gotten used to using Google instead of the address bar. If you’re still not convinced, I give you the crown evidence: Google. One of the top search results in Google (number 6 at the time of this writing), is “Google“. Hundreds of millions of users are trying to get to Google through Google. Does this make any sense? No. But it shows that users don’t think about Google as a specific web page, they think of it as the service, an essential part of the internet experience. They’re using this service to get to the page they want: in this case, Google.

And you know what? They’re right. Google gives better results than the address bar in your web browser. Except for those hundred or so (probably less for casual internet users) addresses you know by heart, there’s a solid chance that won’t be the right one. Perhaps it’s, or .org. Or it’s, and you simply forgot about it. If you write the name of a fairly popular web site into Google’s search bar, you’re very likely to get the right result.

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  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lena K Samuelsson
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