
med Sofia "Mymlan" Mirjamsdotter

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Populär ambulansblogg blir blok

av Bloggvärldsbloggen

Den i England så populära bloggen Random Acts of Reality om en ambulansförares liv har nu släppts som blok. Den skildrar detta yrkes dramatiska vardag och för den som överväger att beställa den har författaren Tom Reynolds gjort en ganska komisk sammanställning av ett antal för- och motargument i sin blogg:

Reasons Not To Buy The Book

1) Almost all of the material is taken from this blog. If you look back into the archives it’s pretty much all there. There are ’commentaries’ on some of the posts but If you’ve read the archives, then you’ve read almost all of the book (and probably any sequel).

2) The book will be freely available for download under a Creative Commons license. It is, as far as we know, the first CC licensed book from a British author/major publisher. So you can read it on your computer screen for free, or even print it out for taking down the beach.

3) You don’t think you should be encouraging my ego to grow any more than it already has.

Reasons To Buy The Book

1) It’s a good way to get your non-blog reader friends and family to read my stuff.

2) Lots of people prefer reading a book rather than reading something off a computer screen.

3) It has already passed a few ’mum’ tests, where it has been given to someone’s mother and they’ve loved it – so it will make a nice gift.

4) It physically looks lovely. The design of the cover and inside the book is really top notch. It’s a good-looking book.

5) You’d like something to read on the train and are frightened of being mugged for your PDA. Also you will look dead sexy reading it.

6) You can read the stuff from here, only with better grammar and less spelling mistakes. Also you get the ’DVD Extras’ of the commentaries on individual posts.

7) It’s cheap, it lasts longer than a film and costs less so you get more ’bang for your buck’.

8) You love me and want to give me your money. Or you want it to rocket to the top of the charts so that I can go to all the top parties and write about it here. Or you like The Friday Project and would like them to make lots of money and lots more great books.

[Via Erik Stattin]