
med Sofia "Mymlan" Mirjamsdotter

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av Bloggvärldsbloggen

Wayne Hurlbert på WebProNews har skrivit en tänkvärd krönika om ett fenomen han kallar Blog Out (fritt översatt: utbloggad).

Jag tror många som bloggat några månader kan känna igen sig i hans iakttagelser:

Another reason that bloggers begin to burn out is concern about what to use for the next posting topic. Many good bloggers keep a list of potential posting ideas handy at all times. When an idea for a column pops into their head, they write it down. Keep a pencil and notepad handy, as topics often appear as if by magic. You want to be prepared for those glorious moments of inspiration.

Often, bloggers become disillusioned with blogging when it doesn’t meet their lofty expectations. Many people start a blog with dreams of thousands of daily visitors, all forming wonderful relationships, and happily linking to your blog by the hundreds of invound links. When this happy result fails to materialize instantly, discouragement replaces optimism. The blog soon joins the millions of other abandoned blogs that also began with such high hopes. Keep your goals realistic and achievable, and blog out will be less likely to rear its ugly head.

Han avslutar dock med några uppmuntrande råd:

Blogging is a slow process, requiring patience and perserverance. All of the good things a blog can produce will appear in the fullness of time. It just won’t be today.

Keep your expectations at a reasonable level, record any good posting ideas that occur to you during the day, and give your visitor stats a rest. By following these basics, your blog will continue to be a source of fun and enjoyment. Let the blog provide the desired results in its own time. You will be pleasantly surprised.