Arkiv för August 2009

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Peter Hedblom is the man!!!

av Alexander Norén

Peter Hedblom just won the tournament at Gleaneagles and here he is signing autographs! He played unreal all week and since I didnt get it going at all last three days and thought the course played tough, I was really impressed by his scores. 13 under par around here is very very good!!!


Hedblom won by one shot over another Swede, Martin Erlandsson who had one of the best final rounds ever in golf I think, 62 (-10)!!! He made 7 birdies in a row and finished lone second! Hats off Martin and nice gift:)

CIMG0292.JPGHere is Peter Hedblom´s caddie Jesse the Beef!!! He tries to play cool but was almost crying of happiness!:)

CIMG0295.JPGThen I found the Rolex technician who goes around the whole world fixing the big Rolex watches so they are all on time!!! Kinda lika our jobs! All watches are matched and linked to each other…cool:)

CIMG0303.JPGHere is a pic of me trying to sort my swing out…and Pelle Edbergs caddie in the background. Pelle played very good today, 68 shots, and moved up a lot on the leaderboard. We are staying at an airport hotel right now and it´s so exciting with airport hotels…Just want to get out of here to go to beautiful Switzerland! Love that place, feels like you are going skiing but you get to golf and play a great tournament instead, not bad either! Sleep well and this was a great day for Swedish golf with two Swedes at the top of the leaderboard! 


Leaving rainy Scotland now and heading for the alps!


Sleep well and tomorrow is a new day and with a lot of opportunities!


Good training after frustrating round!

av Alexander Norén

Was so pumped to play well today and it was such a nice morning. Sunny, a bit windy and it´s an awesome walk to the course from the hotel.


Mikko and his long-time caddie Reggie warming up in the sunshine!


This is our physio bus that comes to every tournament. It has some weights and bikes and stuff but most importantly there are about 4-6 physios in there that help out if we need to fix our bodies. It´s very nice and I know, we are spoiled! The Race to Dubai logo you see is our final tournament and the top-60 players from the rankings get into that one. That´s one of my goal for the season to get to play that one. I need to move up a few spots and I have around 8 tournaments left to do it. 


The round started good but after a bunch of very stupid misstakes, my round was not as fun as I wanted it to be. But, I wasn´t gonna be mad and decided to do something productive!!! The only way forward! Had a great training session after the round with my caddie Colin. A lot of short game challenges and some range training. My caddie is good at getting me to work on my short game. That is were I can pick up a lot of shots. Come on:)

This is the coolest short game area I´ve ever seen, got three greens, a creek, bunch of hitting areas and bunkers and ruff, everything!


After the golf, me and Mikko went to the gym to shapen up and it was nice to do something else than hitting golf balls. I want to play tennis because I just got a new pair of tennis shoes, Roger Federer edition, but i´m gonna be too tired tomorrow and after all, I´m here to play golf:)


The protein shake tastes sooooo bad, but I need put on some kilos so it´s worth it! 

CIMG0284.JPGTomorrow is gonna be a fun day! I hope:)

See you later!


Coach was right!

av Alexander Norén

Ok, yesterday I had a great day, 69 shots. Today, not so great, 74 shots. Game was good, weather was better and I was motivated . Although, the best I could do was 74. I wanted to be up there top-ten going into the weekend. Now. I´m laying around 30th. Still a chance though!

I will never be able to thank my college golf coach, Mike Holder, enough for what he thaught me during my four years at Oklahoma State University. He is tough, he is the most competetive person I have ever met, he is smart and he loves golf! When I got there in 2001 I was very nervous of meeting him and playing for such a good school. After four years, I was so happy to have played there and believe I learnt things I couldn´t have learnt anywhere else. My game was a lot better as well, which was the main idea:)

Coach Holder had a few things he  thought were keys to great golf. Today, he would not have been proud of me. He was never mad if we hit a bad shot. All he tried to teach us was how to prepare for a shot, how to handle the outcome of the shot and how to prepare for the next shot. Getting mad at a bad shot usually throws you off balance and you hit another bad one right after. He made it very clear to us because he always penalized us with a shot for every cuss word, throwed club or even a small gesture that showed we didn´t like the previous shot. Today, I got so mad for three putting on the 5th and followed it up with a triple bogey on the 6th. If I wouldn´t have gotten so mad and instead have tried to refocus for the next shot, I might have made a birdie instead. 

Another thing Coach Holder always thaught us was to never make any excuses whatsoever! Ever! I like that, I tend to never make excuses. Today though, I was making excuses for my bad putting because I thought the greens were bumpy. No good! Have to get better at that!

Last thing I want to mention that Coach told us was whenever someone asks you about your score after the round, always tell them your score and nothing else. He then added, ”because half the people who asks about your score don´t really care what you shot, the other half wish you would have shot higher”. Today, I kept going on when people asked me what i shot, ”I shot 74 but I had a triple on the 6th”. Who cares if I had a triple on the 6th. Final score is all that counts. Gotta get better at that as well:)

Now, it´s time for some Entourage. Gonna watch some old season to spice it up a little!:)

Here is a true scotsman outside the hotel! 



Find smaller greens!

av Alexander Norén

They have this short little course outside the hotel! It has the smallest greens! Crazy! If you hit the green your practically in the hole! Just trying to show how small they are her…


Weather man is on the ball!

av Alexander Norén

Scotland is known for good golf but bad weather, and so it is once again! Rain and wind…but a good course:) The weather man who travels around with us on the Tour said it was gonna rain at 4 pm and he was absolutely right!!! I´m impressed by his knowledge but I wasn´t happy to see the rain come:)

It felt nice on the course today! I was in a good mood and the game felt good and scored 3 under par,69 for tied 6th. My roomate Mikko Ilonen is at 1 under and feeling good too so it´s a happy room tonight! My caddie was also happy today and was trying to imitate famous people´s voices. He is actually good at it so I let him do it!

Here is a pic of the locker room after the round. We are all glad we are inside…


Now it´s time for a quick gym session to feel better tomorrow. Heard the real athletes bike for half an hour to get the tiredness out of the legs. Maybe I should try it just to get the feeling of being closer to an athlete…:)

Bye bye



Great Video!!!

av Alexander Norén

Just saw a really cool video! It was posted under my blog.

Backyard golf it´s called! Loved it! Feels like what we did when we were younger but this was a better course! Best way to learn! Gotta make one of those for my little nephew Max! He needs to get the touch early!:) No pressure Max:)


A warm bath would be nice!!!

av Alexander Norén

As a pro golfer, I always look for ways to improve my game at all levels. Hit it better, put better, hit it further, improve the control etc. It´s easy to find motivation when you see others doing things better than you are. Therefore playing with better players is a great way of getting better. I was watching Brett Rumford from Australia hitting pitches on the range yesterday and I got seriously jealous. He was clipping the ball beautifully of the surface and the first pitch I saw hit the flagstick and the second just sniffed it on the side. He has always had an incredible shortgame and he makes it look as easy as it could possibly look. Wished there were videos on the internet of him but haven´t found any yet. If anybody does, please post them underneath!

Today, wednesday, is Pro-Am day. One pro and 3 amatuers make up a team and there are around 36 teams competing in a best-ball tournament. The amatuers are usually good players that are either sponsors of the event, friends of sponsors, celebrities or just golf nuts that got in to the Pro-Am somehow! It´s usually a great day for the amatuers to play with a pro and to play a good course and hang out with their buddies. Today´s weather made it into a horrible day on the course. Golf is most of the time the best game ever but not today. 12 degrees and heavy rain all day made all of us boored and tired and counting how many holes we had left until we could get inside the warm club house. But, as soon as we hit a good shot, it was fun again! Weird game! 


Trying to find some fun new videos on youtube to cheer me up…a little tired of just watching ”The Best of Ari Gold”!!!

The gym is waiting and im always motivated to get in beacuse the stronger I get the better my swing feels! Before I have tried to bash balls until the swing gets better but it always goes back to the same old faults whenever I take a few days of from the range. I believe the gym combined with teqhnique training helps me improve the swing for good! We´ll see if that works…

See you!

Tired but happy!

av Alexander Norén

Was dead after a tough (for me) workout last night! My roomate Mikko Ilonen was antisocial with his new book and new hero, Kurt Wallander and he had to finish it in one day…:) but I was happy to fall asleep early!

Today was a good day! Got my clubs checked and re-gripped. Feels awesome with new grips, specially when the weather forecast is not looking great! My caddie, Colin Byrne arrived at 10 am, with new stories from his home visit! Here he is trying to get the wind right:)CIMG0059.JPG

Played nine holes with Shiv Kapur, SSP Chowrasia and Danny Lee. Really fun group! Played some college golf with Shiv and Danny Lee is one of the top young players and he played really well! SSP didn´t miss the middle of the fairway all day…

Here is my old college teamate Pablo Martin with our college mascot ”Pistol Pete”. Pablo is always happy and trains harder than Vijay Singh and Gunde Svan together!


Me and Mads Vibe-Haastrup trying to get some power in the gym…so much more fun to work out together! CIMG0163.JPG

CIMG0164.JPGMikko actually put his book down and talked to me now and wondered if we could have dinner together! Wow, can´t pass on a deal like that! 🙂

See you!


Monday training!

av Alexander Norén

Just arrived to Gleneagles, Perth, Scotland and im loving the place! Maybe because we caught Scotland on one of the sunny days but its an awesome place if you like golf! Me and Mikko Ilonen flew from Amsterdam this morning and I was still pumped after finishing last week´s tournament with a holed out lob wedge for an eagle on the 18th. Never done that before! 


But this is another week and to get into tournament mode again I needed some practice and when the facilities are this good it´s hard to stop practicing!


Hitting some wedges on the range before my golf shoes arrived. My swing coach Pete Cowen gave me a few drills that helped me get rid of my big draw from last week. Putting the right hand all the way down the grip and hit balls was the best drill to get the right feeling.

CIMG0035.JPGHere are Al and Ian from Callaway helping me to get the right equipment and on the right there is my swing coach Pete Cowen. The computer you can see connects to a ”Trackman” machine, which reads our shots and comes up with data that the equipment experts analysis and tells us what clubs that fits our swings. Some players use the ”Trackman” for training to see how far the ball is going which I think is very smart.


Seamus helps me with my putting and and getting the right putter. He loves the greens and often films my stroke to see if its going in the right direction. Today was a good day, he was happy! 

Heading for the gym to try to get strong! Saw Tiger Woods at British Open and he looked like a 100 meter runner so I have some serious work to do! Tomorrow is another practice day and playing in the afternoon to get a feeling for the course!

See you later!


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  • Tjänstgörande redaktör: Hans Österman
  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Folcker
  • Stf ansvarig utgivare: Martin Schori
  • Redaktionschef: Karin Schmidt
  • Besöksadress: Västra Järnvägsgatan 21, Stockholm
  • 556100-1123
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