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Straight is good!

av Alexander Norén

Met my caddie at ten this morning and got some good shortgame done…a lot of putting. Short putts for the confidence and longer putts to get the speed of the greens right. Then a little bit of technique training on the range. I´ve always loved golf technique and sometimes too much! I can easily get stuck into it and not practice the rest of the game enough. Although, I believe working on the technique is very important if you want to go forward. My swing has always been a little from the inside, resulting in a draw if I hit it good, but the bad shots have been too bad when they go either straight right or they start right and then hooks. That´s why I´ve been working quite hard at straightening my shots by trying to hit fades instead. The goal is to be able to swing naturally and the ball will go straight. No draw, no fade. If I want to hit fade or draw, off course I should be able to do it but I want the standard shot to be straight.  

I have tried pretty much everything to straighten out my shots and last week I started closing my club face at adress and that made me do something unconciously so the ball goes a little straighter and the swing looks more ”on-plane” than before. 

CIMG0401.JPGHere the club gets a little steeper and more ”on-plane” than it usually is. The shaft usually goes trough my elbow in this frame. The club is a little shut but I had it shut at adress so it´s not as bad as it looks:) It makes my finish a little stronger and shorter as well like you see in the next picture.


Played nine holes after and my caddie Colin tries to get me to play the practice round like Retief Goosen does. Colin caddied for Retief for 5 years and learnt a lot from him, which is good for me!!! Retief playes by himself in the prectice round and chips and putts for 15-20 minutes on each green to get the feeling of the greens and to work on the shots needed for the course. If you add up 15 minutes a´hole times 9 holes, means that I spent 135 minutes which is 2 hours and 15 minutes of short game practice. You can only do this if there is enough room on the course but to get that much short game practice is great, specially on the course.

Then it was time to workout with my strength coach Pierre! Really looked forward to it and it was a good workout. Beat some of my old records which is always a good feeling. BUT, I got seriously jealous when I saw all the veins on Pierre´s arms and decided to compare arms and here is the result. He has a lot of veins popping out and I got none!!! But, he said ”in a few years you will also get them”, which felt great…NOT…I want them now…:)

Pierre´s arms…


My arms…

CIMG0420.JPGNot even a sign of a vein…but there are more important things I guess:) 

Nice to see some snow in the summer…


See you:)


  • Tjänstgörande redaktörer: Joakim Ottosson, Kristina Jeppsson och Elvira S Barsotti
  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Folcker
  • Stf ansvarig utgivare: Martin Schori
  • Redaktionschef: Karin Schmidt
  • Besöksadress: Västra Järnvägsgatan 21, Stockholm
  • 556100-1123
  • Momsregistreringsnr: SE 556100-112301
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  • Telefon växel: 08 725 20 00

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