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Best day in a while…

av Alexander Norén

Felt like this day has been the most productive day in a while!!! Really good! Started off white some putting to get the feel for the greens. Then a little range session with Mike Walker, Pete Cowen’s assistant, who is really good! Started working with an old drill, putting the left hand underneath the right to get a nice feeling for how the body should move.


Better ”slot” position than with my usual grip:)


Colin and Mike Walker looking for things in the game that we can improve


Played a practice round with Robert Karlsson, it’s great that he is back on tour! The round was great when we didn’t have anybod in front of us or behind so we could hit a lot of shots on and around the greens to get a good feel for the course. Like playing long practice rounds, feels like the more time I spend on a golf course, the better I know it. Kind of logical…:)


11th hole at Oceanico Victoria…great par 5 with a cool second shot into a small green


Then it was time for some gym with Pierre Johansson (my physio) and Johan Edfors. Johan has worked with Pierre for a long time and he is very strong and beats me in every exercise. It kind of sucks, but I’m trying to get closer to his standard which is a great motivation.


We finished the session with a chin-ups competition…

…in third place with 16 chin-ups, Pierre Johansson!


In second place with 17 chin-ups, me!


And in first place with 18 chin-ups, the unbeatable Johan Edfors.


Although I lost to Johan, I broke my old record of 14 chin-ups. Don’t know how I could increase it by three but I guess it was the espresso I took just before the session. I never drink coffe, but Pierre told me it could make me perform better so I downed one as quick as I could:) Is it bad when you are more motivated before a session in the gym than before playing golf?

A nice swim after to cool down was the perfect ending of a perfect day!
