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The putting guru is in town

av Alexander Norén

Had a rough last 24 hours with no luck. First, a lot of waiting for the flights to Madrid. Then, the last flight got delayed an an hour and a half, which made us land after midnight. Then, I was the only player on the flight who didn’t get the golf bag. No big deal I thought, wrong!!! The cue for the lost baggage desk was super long and I was off course last in line. Then, finally in the car on the way to the hotel, the driver had no idea where the hotel was and had to cruise around the hole city to find it. Not what you want to happen 2 a’clock in the morning. But after a sweet night snack, it was all good…I love this job but the travel can sometime gets really boring and draining.

No clubs on the course but after borrowing some I could finally practice. Needed to get rid of my nast hook from last week. I tried to hit fades from a shut club face to sort it out and it became better and better. No hook anymore and strong flights. I hate seeing the ball fall of the earth left. Rather see it slide a little to the right, but with a strong trajectory. 

Then we hit the gym and it’s weird how they charge so differently everywhere you go. In Monaco I paid 24 Euros for a session. Last week in Scotland they charged 3,50 Euros and here in Madrid it’s back to being superexpensive again with 25 Euros. Crazy prices, but when traveling, that’s how it is sometimes.

Worked some with my putting coach Stan Utley who is over from Phoenix to work with some players and also to play in the tournament. He has won on the PGA Tour a while back and now wiping off the dust from the clubs again. I hope he plays well, he is such a nice guy and a great coach. 

Got a question from a guy in Australia who wondered about college in America. I went to Oklahoma State University and really liked the whole experience. A lot of my friends liked the college system as well but some didn’t. It’s all about the place you go to. If it fits in with what you want to do. An important factor is how much time you want to put into studying, golfing, working out and into other training. There are all kinds of colleges and coaches and there is a college for everyone. You just have to find the right one. I can guide you a little bit if you have questions. Otherwise, there are people who work with finding out the right college for you. 

Now, it’s relax time and I love the fast internet in the room! It’s almost more important than the speed of the greens on the course…almost:)
