Bagman 2
avHeaded over to Dublin to attend my caddie Colin Byrne’s booklaunch of his second book, Bagman 2. Great place irland!
Portmarnock Golf Club’s clubhouse. The wind is up as usual.
Colin’s hometown, Howth.
The launch was held at Colin’s homeclub, Royal Dublin. Played here with the Swedish National Team in the late 90’s.
Busy man that Colin!
Love this label:) White…
The boys.
And the gladiator and caddie for Peter Hedblom, Jesse.
Great food at Ivans in the harbour.
Me and the producer of the documentary they are doing about Colin’s life on tour which will be out next year. Saw a little preview of it and it looked great. Bagman 2 can be found at and Colin’s first book Bagman is on I believe. Really fun reading!
Back on the plane now…
See you later!