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Monday thinking.

av Alexander Norén

Golf is all about scoring. Lately I’ve scored better than my game has felt. It takes a lot of energy to battle your way around a golf course but it feels sweet to shoot a good round after not hitting many good shots. I know it’s all relative. My bad shots are good shots for someone else. One’s perception of a good shot is measured by the amount of practice and experience I think. 

The last month or so I’ve worked a lot harder on my swing technique than earlier in the year. I am just tired of not hitting it the way I want to so I’ve spent a lot of time on the range. But, with golf, nothing comes quickly, does it? For a golfer to say, ”I have it” is one of the deadliest sins there is for us. So, I’ve tried to not say that after training sessions when it has started to feel a lot better. Although, it’s still frustrating watching videos of my swing where I can see the exact same swing faults as I had when I was 17. You would think 10 years of training almost every day would solve these faults, but it takes a very long time. Maybe it will never go away but it will improve and in the end it might not have an effect at all. But, as Peter Hedblom’s dad, Olle Hedblom told me today on the range after hearing me complain over my same old swing faults: ”Just think of where you were 2 years ago,  improving in golf takes time”. That made my day! He has seen most of the best players and has helped his son Peter throughout his career so he knows what he is talking about. I just have to keep working and be patient. I’m so happy with my results and couldn’t have dreamt of improving as much as I have these past years so I should be happy. I just love playing good golf so when I struggle on the course it’s not as much fun to play. As my college coach said, ”Golf is only fun when you play good. Whoever not agreeing with that either lies or doesn’t care about his game”. 

Speaking of my college coach, there are some things he said and did that I will never forget. For example he said:

1. ”Life is not fair so I will teach you to overcome everything unfair that is put in your face”. In qualifying for a tournament amongst the teammates, sometimes we played from different tee boxes to make it unfair. 

2. ”Don’t ever have any excuses”. If we ever used any excuses we got a punishment workout on the stairmaster. Since then, I rarely use any excuses and I’m very happy he tought me that.

There are so many more things but can’t bore you with them all but just wanted to tell you those things since I think they are important things. 

Some pics from the course today. Felt nice to have Colin back on the bag and with the camera. Kasper Hedblom was good yesterday but he was more interested in hitting spinners from the fringe than giving me distances which I easily understand.


Feels so weird to be the first player to hit off the tee. Sweet though:)


Where do you hit it here? I think it’s either 5 iron-6 iron or a driver-wedge. Hmm…


Approach to 18th green.


Guess what hole this is:)
