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Suggestions please:)

av Alexander Norén

Just trying to get some work this morning before heading out to practice. Have a few questions maybe you can help me with.

I’m trying to get my new website working but I want to get it right before putting it up. I have a few things I want to include, for example this blog, photos, videos, a guest book, training and playing tips, and maybe some other things as well. Do you have any suggestions what could be good to have on it? My brother is helping me out with the structure of it and he thought it would be good to have a spot where whoever wants to can send videos of their swings just like some of you do to this blog. And then add a comment box underneath where people can comment and teachers or myself or others can give advice how do improve the swings. I would like it myself to have that on there. Maybe it would be good to have a little extra blog for my trainers and coaches where they can post some stuff on how we practice and what their views are on things. Maybe get some other players to wirte some stuff about how life on tour is. What do you think? I think it would be great to make it a little more interesting for you than just things about me. 

Alex Noren Junior Open is coming up in the summer and I know I’ve asked before but do you have any suggestions about how to make that tournament as good as possible for the juniors? We are trying to make it a fun and interesting week for them and prepare Haninge Golf Club as well as possible. But there as so many different things you can do around the tournament. First, we need to move the date to make sure I can be there. Right now, it’s the same week as The Open and there are chances for me to qualify for that and I would love to be able to attend both tournaments. We are working on that and see how it will go. But any suggestions are very welcomed regarding anything about the tournament!

It was a little bit of a shock coming over here to Shanghai with a temperature of 12 degrees celsius yesterday compared to the 37 degrees in Singapore the day before. I was looking forward to a little cooler weather but not that cold! It looks like it will get warmer during the tournament so it’ll be nice. Feel really excited for this week!

Time to get up and get some breakfast!

See you later!!!