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Two good questions

av Alexander Norén


Got two good questions from a reader that I’m gonna try to answer from my point of view. 

Hello Alex

Well played in WGC, cannot imagine why the camera team did not show more shots from you. You have to find prime position in Dubai or at least hole a couple of wedges four the fans sake 😀

I am very interested in the technique drills that you perform in you appartment/hotel room. When the winter is creeping closer it would be nice with some pointers on how to improve your swing indoors. Do you work a lot with mirrors? Slow-motion swings? Heavier clubs? Positioning against a wall?

Starting by answering this one. Over the last three years I’ve been doing almost all of my technique training in my room after getting home from the golf course. I still do a little while on the range but not a huge amount. I like doing it in my room where I can focus only on my technique. I do a lot of different drills depending on how the swing feels and looks at the moment. I have a vision of how I want my swing to look like so I have a red line for all the exercises. Some exercises come back and some are thrown out and I might never do them again. I have a few favourites though that I always do. 

– One is the ”flop shot” swing I showed in the video I just posted. One of my swing faults is that I don’t get enough loft on the club during pretty much my whole swing and this one helps me getting more loft. Please see video for more detailed explanation. 

– Another one is swinging very small swings but feeling like the whole body swings the club and every part of the body is swinging freely around the arc of the swing. I’m trying to let the body swing the club. I usually put on a 3-4 minute  song while doing this so I really get into a nice rythm. Then I repeat the song about 3 times while swinging. 

– Another one is standing on one leg swinging the club. First right leg and then left and really try to feel like hitting full shots and see how the body moves and try to make it as useful as possible. 

– Another one is swinging only with one arm and understand how the arms work indivually to then see how they work together as good as possible. 

All of these exercises can be done very differently and individually and that’s the best thing about it. Golf is all about trying to find out what works for you. Should the right hand do this or that and should the left leg do this or that. The more you try different things, the closer you get to the best way for you. 


Question number two

I am currently reading Five Lessons by Ben Hogan. Since you are a Hogan fanatic, Which do you think are the best chapters and ideas that he presents in the book? Do not feel obligated to a long response.

Good luck in Dubai and thank you for a top notch blog!

As I wrote above, golf is all about finding out what works for you. I think Ben Hogan had the best golfswing in history. I love his book but a lot of times he describes his feelings, not what he actually did. The better you get at golf, the harder it is to teach someone because you understand how complex the golfswing is.  There are no shortcuts and nobody can give you the secret. People can help you but you have to do most yourself. Ben Hogan is probably the best man to tell you that.  

Thanks for the questions and I hope you guys understand what I mean. If not, tell me and I will try to explain better:)