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Great day in paradise!

av Alexander Norén

Started out in total darkness heading for the gym.


Black Mountain for real:)


This is how it looked like when we had breakfast. It’s playable at 6.15 AM. The restaurant was full at 6.00 AM because the best time to play in Thailand is in the morning when the temperature is perfect.


The sun eventually came out.


Full sunshine on the 12th tee box. Crazy cool looking water hazard!

As a change, I followed my schedule today and it all went well. Wilhelm Schauman tore the weight room apart as he must have been living in the weight room and been praying to the weight lifting gods constantly for the last three weeks. He just started serious gym training and I feel like I haven’t improved one bit when I saw him in there today. Edfors still beats the crap out of us but life goes on…:)

Sleep time. I’m gonna try to sleep until 4.30 AM. Jet lag is a great thing if you want to train a lot.

See you soon!