Arkiv för January 2010

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av Alexander Norén

A little fed up with golf at the moment. Don’t know what happened to my attidude but I think my expectations are a little too high and as soon as I don’t hit it like I want to I get frustrated and it kind of sucks. I don’t like that feeling. I needed a little break from golf and went jetskiing…and looked at some freakish cars. I’m like a kid when it comes to nice cars. I take loads of photos and embarass my friends but I don’t care. 

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Panamera looks nice. Big wheels and looks pretty raw. 


We had some fun on the calm water. More fun on the waves but you can create some yourself. And it gets your mind of golf for a while.

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I didn’t do a great job photoshopping away my black spot on the lens but anyway. This was fun. So hot here for this time of the year. 28 degrees today. And warm in the water as well!

Just packed and heading to my second home, Dubai. Let’s get fresh for next week and see what we can do! I love golf, but I don’t like myself when I get frustrated. Let’s just enjoy it huh!?

See you there! 


Gotta run.

av Alexander Norén

Have to run to a dinner…the biggest sponsor of the tournament puts up a nice dinner every year and really looking forward to it…just posting a few pics for you to see what happened today…not great score but it was fun anyway. 


Early morning. Tee off 7.40!


Pierre is waiting to torture us.


Ronald de Boer and Colin chilling.


Social guys…


Richard Green is swinging so nice. I like!

Back with more info next time…


Round 1.

av Alexander Norén

Great attitude the whole day. Mission accomplished. Happy happy! Going to a dinner, had to dress up.


Pic taken with Canon D500 with a clean lens.


Trained on a slight angle yesterday to get a feel of my weight being more on my toes. Felt good. Pic with a small camera on video mode and seriously dirty lens.


Sweet sandstorm. Taken with a small Panasonic camera with something on the lens. Looks like a bug.


Am I a little dizzy or are those towers swaying?


Mikko getting 5 star treatment from Mr. Johansson. That’s the best thing with rooming with Pierre, you get more massage. 


It looks like Hedblom is about to tackle this kid. Hedblom loves tackling actually. You get at least one shoulder tackle a day from him. 

Was extremely happy with 4 under today. It played tough. Fast and hard greens, thick rough and really high winds. 

Early bed time. Wake up at 5.10 AM. 



av Alexander Norén,17923,9785_5887602,00.html

Yeah, thanks for this comment Karl!

He thought I have a chance. So do I to be honest, otherwise I wouldn’t play. I need to have a good attitude though to have a chance. There are so many good players this year as well here in Qatar. I like this course, it’s very similar to play to Abu Dhabi’s course. It also went better today than yesterday at practice. I got very frustrated yesterday and what I want is to have a good plan and stick to it. Since I want to improve all the time, I tend to never follow a plan. I try quick fixes a lot…I know I shouldn’t. Have to get better at that. Plan, execute and results will come. In that article posted above he mentioned that I got inspired by Kaymer and that’s very true. Kaymer has a great game and a fantastic attitude. I like his winning gestures as well. Remains calm and looks like a real champion. When I won, I couldn’t believe it so I was super happy and hugging everybody in my way. Hopefully I get the chance again and we’ll see how I look like then. Probably even more happy since I know how hard it is to win. Maybe not for Kaymer:)

No workout today, just a little flexibility and stretch. Then the worst movie I’ve ever seen, ”Armored”. Have been to the movies a lot lately and all movies have been terrible, except for ”Avatar” which was sweet! ”Echelon Conspiracy” could be the worst movie actually. Good actors but wow-bad script. 

As you can tell, Qatar isn’t the place you want to go for action. Golf and cinema, that’s about it. 

Looking forward to tomorrow now. It’s all about the attitude, isn’t it!!!???


14th hole. A little different surroundings here than last week. More rocky but the course lay-out is pretty similar. Thicker rough here though. Let’s go:) First and second cut is ok. The first 5 meters of the thicker rough is brushed in the direction of the hole (with the grain), the next 5 meters is brushed against the grain. Then it’s sand. So, you want to miss it all and get to the sand:)


Hedblom is going for the green on the short par-4 16th. I carried my drive 3 inches from the cup. Closest I’ve been to a hole-in-one on a par-4. Also, one of the few straights shot that day:)


Windy here. Sweet tee box at the 11th. Don’t blow off the tee!


Good night!


Frustrated as f##k!

av Alexander Norén

I’ve been a little frustrated lately with my game. The 7 weeks of off-season training hasn’t paid off in the way I wanted it to. I did a lot of work myself and maybe I haven’t done it the right way. It sucks to have this feeling but there is only one thing to do about it. Sit down, make a better plan and get to work. I want to play good golf. I really don’t like playing without confidence. I know you can attack the problem from the other way around, working on the confidence first to get better scores but I doubt my swing faults will all of a sudden dissapear.  I don’t enjoy hitting shots when you don’t hit it clean and strike it well. Even if I manage to scrap around for a descent score, I don’t think it’ s enjoyable because I know that it won’t cut it when the big tournaments comes around. Sorry for being a little down and negative but just wanted you guys to understand that we pros can also be a little frustrated and it’s not easy this game, neither for us.  


Me and Pete trying to figure it out. 


I like this though. Good weather all four days. 

By for now.



av Alexander Norén

Just a little video from last week’s sunday session. Took too long to get it in HD. Now, it’s normal and it might take another minute for it to be in good quality. I need another format to post videos in to make it go a little quicker. 

Just had a great day feeling I did nothing. Rooming with Pierre this week and we haven’t spoken in about an hour and a half now when we both are on the computer. Geeks…


Qatar chill

av Alexander Norén

I hate travelling by myself but when you travel together it’s not that bad. Half of the people on the plane were golfers. I don’t know how many days I travel a year but it feels like I constantly move around. I loved it when I first came out on tour and I can honestly say that I still love it. If I spend more time than one week at the same place, I get all bored and want to go somewhere else.  


Outside Emirates Palace. I totally understand that kid. 


And the dad. I still do that. Grow up…no. I don’t think you ever get too old for cars.


UAE. The land of SUV’s.


Heading to the airport to go to Qatar. Only an hour flight. Different country though.

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Qatar is less hyped than Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


But it’s on it’s way…

I feel weird. No golf today. Weird for me. Little bit of looking around and maybe a movie later on. Although, I think we’ve seen all the good movies that are out now. Needless to say, we have to much time to waste in the evenings when on tour. No homework you know:)

That workout movie should be up any second. Did it in HD so takes a loooong time to get it up.


Punishment workout after comp

av Alexander Norén

Under par today felt like an improvement. Wasn’t to happy with my shortgame and irons but I hit my driver well of the tee and 3 times from the fairway…I think my driver goes straighter than my wedge. No kidding. Usually after a tournament we sit around chatting and just doing nothing. But when Pierre is here, we work out. Today, we had a punishment workout for not playing as well as we should. We like those kind of workouts though. Just about to post a video from it which will be up in a little bit. Not super editing but good enough to get a hint of that we were a little tired afterwards.


Edfors warming up for the punishment.


Pierre is just waiting to torture us. Before, Pierre always joined in. Now, he just tells us what to do. Either he wants to be professional and keep an eye on us so we do the exercises correctly or (this is what I think) he can’t keep up with us:)

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Hang cleans. Good for the clubhead speed. And for the fun of it.


My caddie is going strong. I wonder how many caddies train on a sunday evening after a tournament. I’m proud.


Totally exhausted. I even had Red Bull before. 


I like it when Edfors looks tired:)

Video up soon. 


Behind the scenes

av Alexander Norén

After another tough day, level par, I’m now a little frustrated and thought of showing you something else than golf. Maybe it’s a little bit of golf in the photos but I really tried not to include any.


Locker room at Abu Dhabi Golf Club. Colin is having a break. He needs one every once in a while.

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Day blogging at the terrace. Tough job. Someone has to do it:)


Let’s watch golf and work with some golf stuff after 8 hours on the golf course. Good idea! Ante works late. 


Nice. Speed. Light. Easy to crash.






I wonder if you can get this steering wheels in a regular car.

Back soon. Sleeping time here now.



Guest Entry: 3rd Competition Winner

av Alexander Norén

Hi guys

Thanks so much for all your input and suggestions for alex’s homepage. We will include a lot of the suggestions and it was hard to pick a winner. But Maximilian had a lot of great comments and the price will be sent to him. 

We will continue to give you update about the progress of the homepage. 

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  • Tjänstgörande redaktör: Hans Österman
  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Folcker
  • Stf ansvarig utgivare: Martin Schori
  • Redaktionschef: Karin Schmidt
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