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Frustrated as f##k!

av Alexander Norén

I’ve been a little frustrated lately with my game. The 7 weeks of off-season training hasn’t paid off in the way I wanted it to. I did a lot of work myself and maybe I haven’t done it the right way. It sucks to have this feeling but there is only one thing to do about it. Sit down, make a better plan and get to work. I want to play good golf. I really don’t like playing without confidence. I know you can attack the problem from the other way around, working on the confidence first to get better scores but I doubt my swing faults will all of a sudden dissapear.  I don’t enjoy hitting shots when you don’t hit it clean and strike it well. Even if I manage to scrap around for a descent score, I don’t think it’ s enjoyable because I know that it won’t cut it when the big tournaments comes around. Sorry for being a little down and negative but just wanted you guys to understand that we pros can also be a little frustrated and it’s not easy this game, neither for us.  


Me and Pete trying to figure it out. 


I like this though. Good weather all four days. 

By for now.


  • Tjänstgörande redaktörer: Love Isakson Svensén, Frida Westergård och Nils Höglander
  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Folcker
  • Stf ansvarig utgivare: Martin Schori
  • Redaktionschef: Karin Schmidt
  • Besöksadress: Västra Järnvägsgatan 21, Stockholm
  • 556100-1123
  • Momsregistreringsnr: SE 556100-112301
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  • Telefon växel: 08 725 20 00

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