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Q´s and A´s

av Alexander Norén

Q. Hey Alex!
First, congrats on the ”The Royal Trophy” win for team Europe. Too bad it wasn’t on TV here but just the same, good job.
A few things if you have the time and inclination:
a) Notice any big difference between the v grooves from the square grooves? I’d imagine less spin from the rough but the irons into the greens is what I’m interested in.
b) Blog posts you do are great, wouldn’t change a thing. You are showing us a different side of professional golf that most people don’t realize. Makes some envious as well.
c) Early year schedule? You may have posted something about it earlier but for the sake of comment, what does your schedule look like for the next few months so I know when to look out? BTW, you’re in my Fantasy Race to Dubai team so play hard!!!
All the best and keep it going.

A. a) I feel no difference from the fairway with any of the clubs. Maybe the 60 degree spun a touch more before. From the rough, it´s a pretty big difference.

c) 3 tournaments in a row now in the Middle East starting next week. Then a few in America depending on how I play in the Middle East. Haven´t made up a definite schedule yet. It all depends on how many birdies I make. Thanks for being on your teamJ


Q. Great Win! And a great moment when the captain asked you to lift the trophy..guess he’s heard about the workout regime?! It’s really great to see how well you guys have played under Montys captaincy… looking good for the Ryder Cup…. (by the way….dont you think Monty needs to seriously consider being a playing captain in the ryder cup as he played awesome golf to halve his match today…..?)

A. I really think Monty can do well in the Ryder Cup. He has the game and the experience and specially the right mind for this game. But, as it seems like, he works very hard at becoming a good captain and to win the trophy back to Europe as a captain. But who knows?!


Q. Great win for yourself and Robert against the Japanese pair on Saturday. Just out of interest who is the longer driver out of Robert and Ryo Ishikawa? The commentators kept going on about Ishikawa being a very long hitter.. is that so?

A. Ryo is extremely good, unreal for being that young. I was really impressed! He hits it as long or longer than Robert.


Q. Hey Alex, looking strong
Could you sum up the things you’ve learned this week for us?
good luck tomorrow 🙂

A. Look at last blog postJ


Q. Hey Alex, great playing! Just wondering, when you’re on the road and at home, what is your favorite music to listen to? Who are your favorite artists? Cheers, keep it up!

A. I don´t have an Ipod or anthing like that. I like music though and usually listens to everything on the radio and on youtube when in the hotel room. Black Eyed Peas music makes me happy!


Q. Buddy, stick to the sneaks! You in black dress shoes……??! Don’t think so!
It looks a little surreal to me. Got your feet on the fairway or still floating in the clouds?! Anyway, GO KICK ASS! Show Monty that you’re Ryder material…
p.s. Writing this from Dubai airport thinking of all your photos from here.. 🙂

A. I hate dressing up. Good looking sneakers go well with suits…J


Q.Which ball are you going to play with (z) or (s) , have a great time

A. Z. Softer than the old X but goes further. Great!