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Longest blog ever…

av Alexander Norén

Awesome day here at Lake Nona. Very strong winds though but we had fun and got a lot done. This might be one of my longest blog entries with a lot questions and anwers after these pics. 


First tee at Lake Nona.


Nice slot. Not hard to understand that he is a good striker.


Pierre is here and we really got back into training again. 

IMG_3276.JPG IMG_3282.JPG IMG_3292.JPG

So here are the qustions and answers. Hope you like.

Q. Hey Alex another great video hope your cold gets better soon! What is your next competition? did you manage to qualify for the CA championships in Doral? All the Best 

A. Next one is in Rabat, Marocco, King Hassan Trophy. I didn’t get in to Doral unfortunately.


Q. really like this feels like we are right there with you guys ..and be part of your daily things .-) Keep em coming 🙂 How is Lemke doing these days where is he playing and what do you think will come out of him the next 5 years ?

A. Lemke has a great opportunity to become a great player. Anyone with his college record will be good, either this year or coming years. He hits the ball 330 yards, and he has the touch so I think he will be out on the big tours very soon.


Q. Hi Alx, what did you think about the game between Can-Rus? Must have been awesome to be there!!

A. What a game! I love watching hockey. I only saw it on TV though. Tickets were hard to get for the Canadian matches. Canada plays so fast. Crazy.


Q. Where did you get the Amino Vital bottle? 🙁 jealous…

A. They give them out on the US Tour. What’s so cool about that bottle?:) Didn’t know it was cool. Got a keep it then:)


Q. Maybe you should do a blog with your training schedule for the next week if you get a chance. List what do you from 6a.m to 6p.m. so then you have to stick to it? 😀

A. I should. The problem here this week is the weather. This morning it was thunderstorms and it looks a little uncertain for the rest of the week as well. But I know we wil bust our asses this week. Today, we started with the first workout at 7 am and finished the second workout at 7.15 pm and a full day of golf in between that. We are so tired now. I love the feeling of just being dead at night after a good day like today. Focus this week is to score. I will do worse ball every day and all the golf practice will be towards playing the worse ball as good as possible. Stenson is joining up for a round at Isleworth GC on thursday for a good match as well so it will be good competition all week. 


Q. Have you played snow golfing before? Just wondering which one is easier, on snow or grass?

A. I have never played on a snow course. We played trough the woods when it was snow in high-school. That was weird and kind of fun. Had to get trough the woods with orange balls and hole out on a hole on the other side.


Q. alex was nice to see you guys having fun with the short game could you maybe teach us how to hit that low pitch that seriously spins up?? we need your tricks this summer 🙂 

A. It’s all about the ball, the club and the grass. To hit a low spinner you need a ball that will allow it, fresh grooves and good grass. You can still do it if you don’t have any pf the above but it’s a lot tougher. The most important thing is to get the right pressure on the ball. Practice with a shut clubface like I showed in the last two videos to get the right feeling. 


Q. what’s your take on golf in the Olympics? Who do you think should represent each country? Amateurs? Professionals? Do you like that it will be an Olympic sport?

A. I like the sound of golf in the Olympics. Specially after being in Vancouver watching it live. I think there should be the best players from each country playing. So, if that is all pros or all amatuers or a mix it doesn’t matter. Olympics is huge and it would be good for golf when it becomes an Olympic sport.


Q. Can you let me know the name of the film cutting program they told you about? Here’s wishing you all the best in your next tourament.

A. Final Cut Pro 4 by Apple. Haven’t really tried or had time to figure it out but it looks like you can do a lot with it.


Q. Great attitude Alex really good to see its just a shame Geoff was your 1st opponent. Did you get any motivation or tips from him? What tournaments are you goin to be playin in to try and qualify for the CA championship at Doral? Hope you have a good couple of days away from golf all the best

A. He told me afterwards that you should always play your own game and not fucus too much on your opponent. He was great to play with. Fun guy! I’m not playing Doral unfortunately and my next tournament will be Marocco in two weeks. Vancouver was great and a needed time away from golf. I’m now more motivated than ever.


Q. Where are our fans t-shirts and caps??? ..Some fun colour ones with your name on it …put it on sale here… or get Boss to sub sponsor your fans would be some advertising for them when the cameras hit these fans jumping around the course with BOSS on .-) 

Noren Army 🙂

A. Yeah, I like the idea! Would be fun to do something like that. Great to hear you would want one! I will ask BOSS and try to figure something out. 


Q. i would like to know how do you keep in touch with family and friends during your travels. is it tough to be far from home? is it tough to maintain personal relationships (friends, family, lovers..)????

A. I try to keep up with them through the phone and Skype. It workes out good. I wish I could see them more often but now I want to travel to play and see the world. They understand and they come out now and then to tournaments as well.


Q. keep it going Alex, I’m loving your blog, the videos are great

question…are you comfortable moving the ball both ways?…what do you do for a fade/draw?

A. I work on both most of the times. I’ve always moved the ball from right to left naturally but working on both to manage all courses and winds. 


Q. Can we get some insight into what goes into your schedule on a ”practice day”? By that I mean what you do when you working on the range and chipping greens ect. What drills do you work on? Are there some that you do everyday? How much time do you allot for the different areas of your game?? Sorry for the long question….loving the updates from AZ, good luck this week, we’re rooting for ya!

A. A perfect training day for me is to start with a run and ab work out in the gym. Then I warm up on the range hitting all different shots to different targets with all clubs. Do a few drills to work on my swing. Then I play 9 or 18 holes of worseball. After lunch I do shortgame and putting and finally top of with a good lifting workout in the evening. That’s a tough day and I do them as often as I can. The shortgame drills I do is to prepare for the worseball and also do get used to putting and get a feel for the greens. I try to get comfortable being on a green and not make putting get to technical. It’s an art more than a science I believe. Just try to hole it by not overreading and overanalyzing. 


Q. Any idea when the website will be up and running? Can’t wait to see it!

A. I’ve been thinking a lot about the design and tried a few different things but we still work on it. I try to do it simple yet fun for everyone. Main focus is still to try get this blog as good and as inspiring as possible for you guys. 


Q. Loving the video!Amazing! A question though: You have to hit a little firmer than normal, when hitting of the toe, right? any difference swingwise than in a normal chip/pitch? More right arm acceleration?

A. You don’t have to hit it much harder. The weird thing is that it’s quiet hard to actually hit it of the toe. The ball will more likely hit the middle of the face even though you aim for the toe. The toe will hit the ground but not necessarily the ball. Swing normal and try to get enough bounce on the toe so it slides on the green, not dig.


Q. haha! coolest video ever!!

that took some immense skill!

Why do you hit it off the toe? i have been told the same thing

A. As described above plus the toe will get closer to the green and it’s easier to get it underneath the ball. The middle of the sole will bounce too much and you will thin the ball most likely.


Q. Hey Alex, in March I will meet the coach for UCSB in U.S..I know you’ve gone to college and, was it worth it? Would you been as good as you are now without going to college, honestly?

A. College was great for me!!! So happy that I went. It’s very important that you figure out a few things before. Is the coach good enough? Do you need a swing coach around and are there any good in the area? Is the school at your level of difficulty? And so on. I’ve seen so many young guys and girls get very dissapointed in different schools and with their coaches as well. You need to have a clear picture what you want and keep looking around for the school that fits you. Ask around too and ask me if you want to know some more. Don’t hesitate!


Q. What kind of camera do you have?

A. My big one is a Canon 500D with a 18-200 mm lens and my small camera I use for filming swings is a Casio Exilim high-speed. 


Q. Hi Alex,

This blog is awsome, I remember watching you at The Belfry im guessing in 2006 at the British Masters? You had an invite, I think it was because of how well you were playing on challenge tour? The one thing I took from watching you on the thursday and friday was how dedicated you are, and after the round just how many balls you were hitting……I got hooked on Alex Noren and have follwed you ever since…….and man if you compare back to then…… ”the boy done real good” dont you think?

A. Thanks for that!!! It makes me happy understanding that I’ve moved forward. I was really off then and wasn’t ready to play on the big tour. After the tournament, my agent came up to me and asked how I felt (I had just shot 76-82) and all I had to say was: ” This is not good enough, I have to get to work”. He always reminds me of that moment.


Q. Alex what in your opinion would you tell any aspiring tour player to work on most? Short game and putting? Strenght training so you could hit the ball far enough to compete on tour? Or would you say its the complete package? 

A. Work on toughness. Play worseball until you can shoot under par on a really tough course. Prepare yourself all the time for worseball. All your practice. To shoot under par in worseball, you have to be all-round good at golf and you will be tough enough for any tour, any tournament, any player…


Q. Hey alex! 

first of all, congrats for your superb blogg! It is really interesting to get an idea of a pro´s working life! 

I am reading your blogg since a couple of times and I think you are on the way to become one of the best players in Europe! But you have to concentrate on that what you can best. Playing golf. Not working out all the time! I know, gym is very important nowadays. I´m doing it either! But during the season not so often like you do! What are the other guys doing after a final round? Enjoy the life off the course and have a rest. Maybe your body is too tied and cannot recharge. 

Or am I completely wrong? 



A. I understand what you mean. Although, I have decided to change my body to the better and I love working out. I am a very physical person and have always liked physical sports. Golf doesn’t give me that physical rush other sports do so I work out to get it. Since, I started working out seriously and a lot, I’ve moved up around 100 spots on the world rankings so I will keep going.


Q. The fact that you serious answering questions that are made, got me interested in Mental coaching. Do you use mental coaching, and are you using special mental skills on the course. You said you could get angry and dissapointed in yourself, always want to do better. I can imagine you wondered how to get better on mental part. 


A. I try to do a lot of on-course mental training in practice. I’ve tried mental coaches but I’m the type of guy who wants to figure out a lot by myself but use trainers and coaches to put me in the right direction. Also, I’ve had a hard time finding time for mental training off the course. I do think it’s worth working on but haven’t prioritised it yet.

Wow. That was long. Good night and hoping for another sweet day tomorrow. Hope you guys are all great and happy golfing in-or outdoors. It’s soon summer!!! Can’t wait for it to be warm in Europe.



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