av Alexander Norén

Hello guys!

This will be the last blog entry on this site. Just finished the last touches on the new blog on my website and it’s up and running. From here on please visit: to get the latest news and some fun stuff. 

I want to thank Aftonbladet for giving me the opportuntity to blog here. It’s been great but it’s time for me to move on and use my website for my stuff. 

See you guys on the new blog!


Moving on…

av Alexander Norén

Seriously!!!??? Don’t ever put your finger in between the door and the door post. No good! 


The good news is that it’s not so bad and that this fantastic training week was over anyway. The bad news is that there will be no training for at least 3 days. No good!!! Maybe putting and running until it fully heals…

This week has been great. A lot of everything: golf, gym, sleep, healthy food and fun people. All you need! 

I’ve been working on getting my website ready and have for now decided on creating a sweet blog at my website. I will later alter the site and make it more as a complete website. The blog is one of the most important things I think though and it seems like you guys like it. I will move this blog next week over to I’ve really enjoyed blogging here at Aftonbladet and thanks to all the guys at the newspaper and it’s website for your help and support. The reason I move over is that I want to get all stuff at one place now, specially when trying to create a website and expanding with a website for the junior tournament Alex Noren Junior Open and hopefully some other things I’m trying to do.

I’m thankful for having had the opportunity to blog here though. It’s been fun! I will keep blogging here a few more days until I move it.

Driving down with Peter Hanson to Miami tomorrow. He’s going to play Doral and I will fly out to Monaco. I wish I would’ve qualified for that tournament but there are more to come. As my finger feels now, I wouldn’t have done too well anyway…

Never give up…Ever.

See you in one of the smallest countries in the world.



Video: Stenson showing how it’s done.

av Alexander Norén

Henrik Stenson… 

Too tired to move this afternoon…laying in the sun for the first time since I was 13 it feels like. 

Heading over to Monaco tomorrow. Hoping for good weather next week otherwise the mountain courses can be a bit rough in the fog/sleeth/rain/wind. Playing in that will make me tougher though so maybe hoping for bad weather?!


Crash and burn out…

av Alexander Norén

After 13 workout sessions in 6 and a half days now, my body is seriously tired. Trained with my coach Pete Cowen for 2 hours this morning and I can easily go to sleep now. Never been this exhausted before. 3 days of from working out now and then I should be in the best form I’ve been according to Pierre. Hope he is right. 

Good practise session with Pete though. Went through the whole game and figured out a plan to go forward with. Feel excited for the season coming up. Marocco in two weeks to start it all. 

Pictures by Pierre from the morning session…

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Me and Pete Cowen.


Stenson figuring out what grind he wants on the wedges.


Hanson and coaches on the green.

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This was yesterday afternoon. Had the whole course to myself…great feeling.



Guest Entry by Pierre Johansson (super-physio)

av Alexander Norén

Here he is typing the blog entry…only took a few hours:) I leave it to him now…


By Pierre, 

We have had a great week here at Hanson’s place at Lake Nona. It has been a really busy schedule with 2 workout session a day, one cardio and one in the gym. Besides that the guys have been practicing golf intensily! This means long days with high focus on performance on the the highest level! Alex just said that it has been the best week ever!

I realize that it may look to you as if the guys are going all out in the gym pretty much all the time. And they do, no doubt about it! I must clarify though that we have a clear plan of the goals that we want to achieve. The goals are the results of a functional screening connected to swingbiomecanics and individual conditions.

There are several main issues to adress. The first one is to stay injury free in order to be able to practice as much golf as needed to improve that specific skill. The second one is to create perfect balance between mobility and stability. In order to achieve this we choose exercises to improve range of motion, core strength and power in that order.

The exercises you see in the blog are added when there are no physical limitations that may restrict the optimal swingpattern. 

The ”complex exercise” seen in the video below is made up of five different exercises. The great thing about it is that it activates all main muscles involved in maintaining and improving an athletic posture in the set up. It is also one of the most effective strenghtening exercises when it comes to cardiovascular work. To pay attention to great form and execution it is important not to go to heavy initially and than gradually working your way up. The basic goal is to be able to do 6 reps of each exercise on half your bodyweight. That means a total of 30 repetitions in one set. We do either a full complex series of a total of 30 repetitions or a half one with 15 repetitions where we can use more weight and more speed. See exercise in video below where Alex does 15 repetitions on 60 kilograms (around 130 pounds). 

Tomorrow morning at 7 we have our last session of the week. Then I’m flying back home to Stockholm and Lilla Essingen before its time to go to Marocco in a week’s time! 


Day 5 in Orlando.

av Alexander Norén

Chef Johansson in action!


Great start and the weather is the best it’s been all week. Good day ahead.

Pierre will do a guest blog entry today. Will be sweet.


Day in pics.

av Alexander Norén

Our day in pictures…it doesn’t get much better than this for my taste.


”-9 drill” that I learnt from Lars Evertsson, my first teacher. He is now teaching a few of the tour players. You put out 8 tees, 4 across the whole 3 meters away and 3 in each corner,4 meters away. +1 point if you miss and -2 for a make. You go around the clock until you get to -9 points. Sometimes it goes fast, sometimes it can take hours…


Peter Hanson’s office…


My office.

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Me and Fors in the lazymobile.


Pierre is back on track and sporting the Olympic gear. He helped the Swedish Skiers to a lot of medals in Vancouver and I give him more respect than before:) He is still behind on this exercise though.

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Another two of these type of days and then Monaco. My golf coach Pete Cowen is coming here tomorrow which will be a lot of fun.

It’s unreal how different my last two weeks have been. The week in Vancouver was so lazy and I ate pretty much everything and didn’t work out once because of a bad cold and the laziness part. This week we do two sessions a day plus a lot of golf and I haven’t eaten a carb except for the ones in fruits. I like going to the extreme ends, maybe not the best formula but it’s fun to see what happens with the body.


Video fun in Orlando.

av Alexander Norén

Hanson beat me bad today but still happy! It was a great day and finished off with the best session I’ve ever had in the gym with Pierre. Broke some records:) Here are a few swings from today. Pierre ”Spielberg” Johansson is the producer and filmer. No Oscars Pierre. I’m sorry…


Who won?

av Alexander Norén

Some of you guys wonder who won today out there at Isleworth and I have to admit, it was me:) We played skins so it’s hard to tell who scored the lowest but I managed to play good on the holes where there were most skins…yeeeeees! 

I’m trying to design my own shoes at You can do all sorts of cool shoes when you mix colors and materials. Pierre is waiting to kick my ass in the gym though so the shoe designing project has to wait…

Right back after having died on the treadmill…


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  • Chefredaktör, vd och ansvarig utgivare: Lotta Folcker
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