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Learn your own technique

av Alexander Norén

Hitting the bed after a long day. Mike Walker, my coach Pete Cowen’s assistant, came down here yesterday and we had a nice session today. I train mostly with Pete but also a lot with Mike. I think they both are great coaches!

When me and Mike train we usually brainstorm for an hour trying to understand each others views on what needs to be done in my swing. Today, the brainstorming went on for about 2,5 hours. It will probably continue tomorrow as well, but at least we got some stuff that we both agree on. 

I have a clear picture in my head of how I want my swing to look and function. Mike has a similar picture in mind but we have to go through a lot of different feelings and exercises to find the one that will improve my swing the most. When you play every day and you play tough courses like I do, you have to be comfortable with your swing. I know exactly what I want to feel in my swing so it’s really important for me and my coach to discuss that and then come up with a way to improve my swing. It’s not good if your coach just tells you something you need to change and you don’t know how that will affect your shots. The more you are involved in the changes the better it is.

Learn a lot about technique, and learn EVERYTHING about your own technique.



av Alexander Norén

Watched the Alinghi Team sail yesterday. The coolest thing but the wind wasn’t strong enough so they were dissapointed but the boat is amazing. 30 meters long and the mast is 60 meters tall with a sail of 1100 square meters. Crazy!!! The whole operation of training and competing in the America’s Cup can only be compared with the huge and complex Formula One curcuit. There are hundred people in the Alinghi crew and they leave nothing to chance. It’s the most serious training I have seen. I really hope they win the America’s Cup in February. 
















It was an awesome day and it was great to have the chance to watch these guys close up! I got very motivated to get more serious with my training. Now, I just have to do the work as well!

Back soon!

Earth Course

av Alexander Norén

Left Ras-Al-Kaimah for the day to play the Earth Course at Jumeirah Golf Estates. Same course as we played the Dubai World Championship a few weeks ago. It felt weird to be there again and the place looked a little different without all the grandstands and people behind the ropes. 

The cab driver who took us down there had lived in the United Arab Emirates for 48 years and gave us a real interesting lecture in the Arabic culture and how things have developed along the UAE coastline during the past decades. He said his father used to drive passanger is his jeep from Dubai to Ras-Al-Kaimah and the ride took 11 hours through the ondulated desert. Now, with the huge highways, it takes around 1 hour.  



Camel race course.


Good try:)


The sign was still there. The entrance looked the same as a few weeks ago when the tournament was here but the feeling of nervousness wasn’t here this time.


The backside of the range. Pierre is improving fast. 


The 8th hole looks the same but my clothes were a little different. Feels weird to look down a pair of white legs.


I practice a lot with only the left hand to get the right path of the club and to hold the correct body angles. Also, I want to feel that the left wrist is cupped at the top of the swing and then hold the same angle in the left wrist for as long as possible so I get the correct loft at impact. The true test is to be able to flop the ball straight up in the hand using only your left hand. Then you know that you do everything good. 


Pierre and Ernesto had an intense match. 


16th hole. The best hole on the course. Ernesto agrees.




Hitting into the 18th felt very different from a few weeks ago… 


…A little more things going on behind the green. 

Couldn’t get out of bed this morning after a tough session in the gym last night but after a bike ride and abdominal work it felt tons better. Watching the guys sail now and then another gym session. Leaving Ras-Al-Kaimah tonight to move into Dubai. The swing coach is coming tomorrow and we need some better range balls than they have here to practice with so Dubai will be good. Lot’s of great courses to choose from.

Back soon! 


av Alexander Norén


No snow…wow!


Just like the names of the small towns around Stockholm…


First time on a range in a while…


Practicing at Al Hamra Golf Club in Ras-Al-Kaimah, one hour from Dubai.


Our hotel is not exactly finished. We are staying with the Alinghi Team who is training for the upcoming America’s Cup. When me and Pierre go on a training camp, we bring golf clubs, some gear and protein powder. When Alinghi Team go on a training camp they bring 100 people, a 30 meter long cathamaran with a 60 meter tall mast and a sail which is 1100 sqare meters big and 6 other boats. I feel like I’m not taking my job seriously enough:)


Good form Pierre!


Back with a video in a sec with some gym training. I saw some of you want to see how we work out. Took some footage of three exercises we do a lot. 


Waiting in Oslo.

av Alexander Norén


Pretty good view for Ole up there!


Snow in Oslo, rain in Stockholm…Sun in Dubai? 


It must have been 50 snow plowing trucks in a row…Cool:)


What up Mr. Beef Johansson? What up Mac as well?! We are both so proud of our babies!


What up bad non-protein breakfast?


For the first time in my life, I’m going to try to read a book on the flight. 2 pages on the first flight was a 200% increase of pages from any previous flight. I’m on a roll!

Took it to an extreme…Again.

av Alexander Norén

It’s weird how we athletes are…It feels like we have to do everything to an extreme. Work out hard, train hard, compete hard, relax hard, etc. I’m no different, if golfers can be called athletes.

When I tried to eat like a horse last week, it went great for the first few days but it was way too much food to keep the same intake over a whole week. I was about to puke after every meal. So, my plan of eating like crazy failed and at the end of the week, I ate less than normal because I was too tired of the even looking at food.

I overdo pretty much everything…my swing coach Pete always say that I want to be good yesterday, and that sums it all up.

So, now me and Pierre are here at Oslo airport waiting for a flight to Dubai to see the sun again. Always, when I go somewhere for a training camp, I am totally pumped and so excited to, once again, do everything to an extreme. Work out hard, train hard and do the craziest on course exercises I can come up with. And by the end of the week, I’m either too tired to get out of bed or I’m hurt from lifting more weight than I can handle. So, what should I do to relax a bit and pace myself so I get the most out of this camp? Maybe talking to Pierre might help…When he is with me we have a good schedule when working out, the only problem is that I can sneak out when he isn’t looking and do an extra session. Maybe I should follow a little softer plan and reward myself somehow after if I’m able to do it. It would be a big surprise to me if I can follow a plan…Maybe the reward should be that I’m allowed 3 workouts in one day?:)

Back very soon with what Pierre has to come up with…don’t expect much:)

Questions and answers

av Alexander Norén

Answered some of your questions…thanks for all of them!

Q. Awesome room, so do you have a place in Monaco as well? Sort of a central point for the middle stretch of the european tour? love the blog keep it up.

A. I live in Monaco. I have some stuff at my parents house but I´m not there much. It´s a good room to put all the stuff in though.

Q. Where can you buy the books Bagman and Bagman 2 written by your caddie Colin Byrne?



Q. I must say I’m sorta surprised that you do not practice in warmer climes during your off season. If that’s where your coach is though, it makes sense. We can’t get the rain to stop here. Almost rather have cold.

A. I just like visiting Sweden for a week or so in the winter to catch up with family and friends and to get some work done indoors and in the weight room. On monday though, I will head down to Dubai with my coaches to do some real practice.

Q. Hey Noren?
Do you get an auto-invite to the Masters next year because of you win at the European Masters this year or can Graeme McDowell push you out of the top 50 and take your spot?

A. I don´t get an automatic invite for the win. I have to be top-50 either by the end of this year or a week before The Masters to get to play.

Q. Hey Alex, I would really appreciate some more tips/drills on how to improve my putting, especially this time of the year when the most of us that live in the northen part of Europe only can practive indoors. In thinking to order some of the putting gates you refered to. Do you have some special drills that you do with these that you can recommend?
Keep up the good work, really happy that you now are on the top-50. However this is just the beginning right 😉

A. I think you can do a lot of work with your putting indoors. This week, I have checked all my fundamentals including all alignments (eyes, shoulders, hips, arms, knees, and feet), my stroke and body movement. From that, I will decide on what exercises I will have to do to improve my putting. The gates are great to practice with. Practice with your eyes closed is another good drill. Using one hand at a time to understand how they move most efficiently individually and then use both afterwards and see if you have gotten better.

Q. What sort of practice would you prioritate when you’re practicing indoors. Is it much technice work? Wedges? Closeplay?Putting?

A. I would prioritate technique work and pitching. If you can pitch great, your long game will come easy. I usually hit tons of chips and pitches and trying to get that spot-on before I move up to longer clubs and shots.


Q. SAMS Putting need to sell those putting gates to the public. Are they available to buy?
As for the new diet and workout routine, keep us updated with the results.

A. The putting coach Martin Pettersson who I´ve visited recently is making those himself and you can order them by writing to him at:

Q. What can you do in a tent 9 hours??! And what kindov a golfer is he in the fresh air?? Not rubbing it in, but clear blue skies down here in the S of France..! ;-D Anyway, take care and keep killing the calories… p.s. You should keep us up to date on your weight!! Later. t.

A. Kotte is seriously hitting balls constantly and when he takes a break he works on some tricks. He is a very good golfer outdoors too. In the summer, he pretty much practices until the sun goes down and that is around 11.00 PM in Sweden. Gonna come back on sunday with a weight update.

Q. I wonder if you know any drills for a swing flaw I have that’s really annoying… I start my downswing pretty well with my hips/tips, when my left arm is about parallel to the ground my hips are pointing down the target line, but there they pretty much stop and are in almost exactly the same position when I come to impact. My problem is that I stop my hips and don’t get them open at impact. Are there any drills/tips to fix this problem so that i can get my hips open at impact like you should?

A. I think throwing balls down along the target line with your right hand for right swinging golfers is a great drill. It makes you use your body in a natural way and your hips will learn how to move correctly. I think it´s better to do something you find easy (like throwing) and implement it into the golf set.up and learn from that instead of just hitting balls.

Q. Looks like Colins book launch went well. Was it a good day/nite? I was wondering what the book is about i have the first one and its amazing about himself and retief, is this one about you and colin?

A. Great time! The book is about the last few years on tour. So, there is a lot about me and him but also some about the last years with Retief and some other players. This sequal is a great book as well. He is a skilled writer to say the least.

Q. Some questions for you…

When you change technique, do you only practice technique or do you implement some goal specific training as well when working on your swing? How much of your technique training do you do hitting balls and how much without hitting balls? How much physical work do you do during the off-season?

A. I try to only practice technique and not hit at any specific target but sometimes I get lured into hitting at targets though, it´s a bad habit. I do about 50% of my technique training without a ball and 50% with. When hitting balls I do drills before hitting to get a feeling and then try to have the same feeling when I hit it. Now, in the off-season, I work out every day. 4-5 hard weight lifting sessions and 3 easy ones and then some cardio and interval work in-between that. The only thing that´s hard is to get enough rest. I love working out and training so sometimes I overdo it and I can easily feel it because I can´t lift as heavy and feel very tired. Then I take some more time to rest and it´s an unreal feeling to get back and lifting more than ever after that rest. It´s weird how the body works.

Q. Just curious as to how much weight you’ve put on in recent years? I remember being at Perstorp around 10 years ago at a ”prospects camp” and one of the guys who went to Perstorp at the time said you were skinny enough to walk on the roof of the shed to pick up your tees. Incidentally, I was as well. I’ve been working a lot on adding weight and muscle to my frame, but my metabolism is off the charts, so I find it very difficult, even with a good diet and gainers.

A. I have always been very skinny until a few years ago. I´m still not big in any way but I would just say less skinny. I started working out a lot during high school and then really hard in college. It takes a long time to put on muscle mass. It´s easy to gain strength but harder to put on the kilos. They will come though, don´t worry. I way around 76 kilos now and wayed about 72 kg when finishing high school and 75 kg when finishing college. Although, I´m not much heavier, I´m a lot stronger now and in better control of my body.That´s the important part. Weight is a lot of times irrelevant.Try to eat tons and follow a good schedule and be consistent and keep working at it..

 Q. I have two questions for you, first what are the average distances in yards you hit each club?
And second what is the difference in yards between hitting a fade and a draw with the same club?


Lob- 85 meters

56`- 95

52`- 107

PW- 122

9- 142

8- 152

7- 164

6- 175

5- 185

4- 197

Hybrid- 225

3 wood- 235


I think there isn´t much different in yardage from a good fade and a good draw. Maybe the draw goes a little longer. Sometimes, a nice pressure fade goes as long.

Hope all is good with you guys and thanks again for all the questions, it´s fun! Back soon with more suff!





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