Skicka Leah till Paris! S’il vous plaît?
av”It’s a silly picture, taken to capture and contrast the differences in breakfast habits of the American vs the Parisian. Parisians (like me!) typically eat a smaller breakfast, perhaps a cafe creme and a croissant. Americans (like my mother) generally eat a larger breakfast, such as toast, eggs, sausage, and waffles. Clearly, my mother needs some help. My French dog and I have tried helping her ourselves, but to no avail! I think she needs to experience it first hand…do you?”
Jag har en alldeles fantastisk kusin. Hon heter Leah och vi har aldrig träffats. Men vi har skrivit till varandra ända sedan vi fann varandra på Facebook i sajtens begynnelse, och fantastisk, det är hon. Så mycket vet jag.
Nu har hon blivit utvald som en av tio finalister i en tävling där vinsten är en resa till Paris över nyår. Uppgiften var att skicka in en bild och en essä som beskriver hur man, eh, ”experience Parisienne in everyday life”. (”Upplever… parisiskhet… i vardagslivet?” Ehmm. Jag är ingen översättare, direkt.)
Här ovanför kan ni se bilden Leah skickade in, och här nedan kan ni läsa hennes essä. Den är fin och väldigt amerikansk.
Och! Så vill jag, förstås, hemskt hemskt hemskt gärna att ni går in här och klickar på ”vote”. Dels för att jag vill att Leah och min moster Roselee ska få uppleva Europa, dels för att jag tycker att Leah förtjänar att vinna – men också för att om hon vinner så tänker jag sätta mig på ett plan och åka och träffa dem. För första gången. Det vore så fint. Så snälla – rösta!
Såhär beskriver Leah hur hon ”experience Parisienne” i sitt everyday life:
”As a girl born in a largely unknown, rural town, I didn’t fit in with my schoolmates. I preferred wearing heels instead of rain boots, reading Vogue instead of textbooks, and writing poetry instead of math equations.
When my friends would tip cows, I would long to tip waitresses at fancy restaurants in New York, Beijing, Paris; all the destinations I read about as being glamorous, lively, and animated, remarkably different from the town I call home.
My high school had few graduates continue on to college. My town was generally poor and the student body lacked motivation as a whole. In a town where the teachers were careless, the students reckless, and parents often negligent, beauty was hard to find.
Growing up with supportive parents who taught me that the world didn’t owe me anything made me determined to make something of myself. I applied and was accepted to the college of my choice. I have been attending Western Washington University for over two years now, a school with one of the top journalism programs in the country. I have made it my mission to become a journalist who brings culture and diversity to places where it is lacked the most, something I have been inspired to do after facing hundreds of students and little heterogeneity within my high school.
Paris is a city of aesthetics and profound allure; it is smart, charming, and eternally timeless. When I think of a “Parisienne” spirit, I think of culture, beauty, romance, and love. My 20 years of life so far have consisted of thriving for those properties exactly; things with meaning, depth, and genuine passion. While these elements aren’t always obviously present, I believe they can be found in any condition.
I have decided to make it my duty to become a person who wants to explore the world, who wants to experience beauty and elegance within my lifetime and share it with those whom matter most to me. I hope to see Paris light up before my eyes, and stand with my mom underneath the Eiffel Tower on New Years. I hope when I come back with stories to tell, people will listen, and I hope that through my pictures and writing I can show them that beauty does exist in this world, and it’s as attainable as ever. You just have to want to see it.”