
Arkiv för Madeleine Leander

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DreamHack Tours – the strongest caster duo is coming

av Madeleine Leander

For the first time both StarCraft 2 and CS:GO will be broadcasted on Swedish TV. Yay! Me and Tom “Endars” Bramler will be casting StarCraft 2 (in Swedish) as usual. On Friday we are leaving for France and DreamHack Tours. I’m really looking forward to seeing my teammates and everyone else from Millenium again. It’s been a while now. Läs mer


av Madeleine Leander

Some days I feel like I have the energy to do anything. I jump around, swing on bars and feel like I’m flying. And some days I feel tired. Then I like to do yoga, flexibility training and slow movements at the gym. I don’t have a workout plan at the moment. I take the day as it comes and often let my body decide what it wants to do. Läs mer

How I practise StarCraft 2

av Madeleine Leander

Sometimes I’m very organized when it comes to practice. But often I’m very lazy and just hit “play” to search for a new ladder game. It’s very easy to get lazy. But when I am, I also know that I will not improve a lot. I’ve been “lazy” for quite some time now. But I will try to go back to my old schedule for a while and see how it goes. Läs mer

Shaving Tejbz over the internet – an interesting experience

av Madeleine Leander

I recently performed the worlds first shave online! A shaver was attached to a robotic arm and over the internet I contolled the robotic arm to shave Tobias “Tejbz” Öjerfalk. It was probably the hardest game I ever tried. At the start I was afraid of hurting him but the arm didn’t have enough power for that luckily. On the other hand it got stuck sometimes and then it just flew up or down. It was a lot of fun. Check out the video below. Läs mer

Sitter barn för lite vid datorer?

av Madeleine Leander

Gång på gång ser jag texter om barns internetanvändande. Statens medieråds senaste undersökning visar att skärmanvändningen ökar och kryper lägre ner i åldrarna. Samtidigt minskar tillgången på datorer för första gången. Många är oroliga över hur mycket tid barn spenderar framför skärmar och det talas mycket om just “skärmtid”. Någonstans verkar skillnaden mellan datorer och surfplattor/mobiler dock ha glömts bort. Jag är mer oroad över den minskade tillgången på datorer hos unga, men den talas det inte om. Läs mer

My past half year of calisthenics

av Madeleine Leander

Almost a year ago I decided to try an outdoor gym for the first time. After that first time, I started to train a lot of calisthenics/bodyweightworkout/street workout. As an old gym rat I had some strength going in to this kind of training but still, even I’m surprised of the progress. A few days ago I managed to fracture a rib again, and because of it I can’t train as hard as I want to (well I tried to train through the pain but it just made it worse… So I’ll try to take it a bit more easy…). Läs mer

Legacy of the Void beta – ZvZ

av Madeleine Leander

The game starts instantly, or at least a lot faster now that you start with 12 workers compared to 6 in HotS. I tend to think that scouting with Overlords is a problem in ZvZ at the moment and that is one of the reasons. As a Zerg player, using Overlords is my way of scouting in the early game. ZvP and ZvT feels kinda ok but scouting in ZvZ got a bit more tricky. Playing ZvZ on a 4 player map has (almost) always felt a bit random to me. In HotS we often see players go for the 10 gas 10 pool speedling opening on 4 player maps. Now in LotV that build turned into a 14 gas 14 pool (or 12/12) and the difference is huge. It’s not even close to as allin in LotV compared to HotS. It feels harder to scout and it appears to be very effective especially on 4 player maps. If you open hatch first it is hard to hold, even if you scout it. You normally don’t scout it though… I’m not sure how to solve this. Maybe map design can fix it but I’d like to see faster Overlords (hehe). Well, yeah I’m biased and yeah it might be imba. But on the other hand the game starts faster and with the same distances as before the early Overlord scout will not be as efficient. Luckily though, Terran and Protoss does not build their buildings faster. Läs mer

Trasigt revben – igen

av Madeleine Leander

Ni vet säkert att jag tränar mycket och hårt. Men jag anser mig träna ganska kontrollerat och försiktigt. Trots det har jag för andra gången lyckats få ett revbensbrott (första gången var för ca sju månader sedan). Ingen av gångerna har jag fått någon jättesmäll eller ramlat. Hur lyckas jag kan man undra :). Läs mer

My first games of the LotV beta

av Madeleine Leander

After a few days of LotV I have to say that it’s a lot of fun :). I didn’t have that much time to play yet but the coming days I will be playing quite a lot, yeey! Many things seems imbalanced but it’s probably just because I havn’t played enough games to figure out how to counter some of the strategies yet. Läs mer

How changelings can win you games

av Madeleine Leander

When I feel like I’m losing a game I try to just pause the game in my head and focus on what options I have. Is there anything I can do to win the game? I go over all the possibilities I can think of and I try something. It can be burrowed roaches or a nydus for example. But it can also be blocking my opponents units with changelings. That is something that I think is underused. Normally my opponent realizes it quite fast but in a very close fight, just a few seconds can make the difference between a win and a loss. Läs mer

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