G2A on missed invoices and how the company will make sure it never happens again

av Björn Ehrnberg


Since 2014,G2AA, the world’s fastest growing digital gaming marketplace, has invested 6 million dollars into the esports community.
The funding has gone to tournament organizers, streamers and professional players. There was some challenges with the cooperation with partners and now G2A are telling their side of the story.
– At G2A we carefully monitor all activities with our partners to make sure everything when it comes to fulfilling the points of the contract are held up. However we are aware that there are topics and refinements that we need to address, said Josh Cabrera, Chief Marketing Officer Representative at G2A.

Few could have missed that the esports industry is growing fast and it’s expected to reach 463 million USD in 2016 (Newzoo report). Competitive gaming is one of the hottest subjects in the world and almost daily we see indications that there’s no end in sight in terms of growth.

At the same time, during the last couple of years, G2A has seen professional esports players and other participants in the gaming market struggle to survive. Far too many have been living from paycheck to paycheck.

G2A are one of many companies who have been trying to make sure that people in the industry have been able to keep on improving. Since 2014, G2A has been sponsoring all kinds of esport events, private streamers and professional players.

While most of G2A’s endeavors in esports have gone as planned, some have not. G2A admits they had difficulties with managing the volume. But now everything is resolved with more staff hired. G2A has committed sponsorship and monetization to support the esports industry on a massive scale.
– All our partners are really special for us. When it comes to esport partners we have signed legal contracts with all. G2A is verifying carefully all the activities of our partners when it comes to fulfilling the points of the contract. What we most need is feedback and evidence from partners, said Josh Caberera. He continues:
– If there are discrepancies that need clarification, we work with our partners to find a solution to keep things moving forward, especially activation and funding access concerns. As esports keeps on growing ever stronger, G2A confirms that in the future they hope to contribute even more to the most astonishing phenomenon of our time. According to the company, sponsorships will be delivered on time and without any hassle. Both parties must play their part. To make sure everything works as planed, G2A is strengthening their division to modify and control all contracts and terms & conditions.

G2A Head of Public Relations Jacqueline Purcell said:
– G2A recently won three Stevie awards in Las Vegas showing that their dramatic results are being noticed, and added:
– G2A work with so many partners and care deeply. G2A is trying to make the process as simple and efficient as possible. Thanks to all esports teams for their patience.

G2A is about to launch automation of the partnership process which makes everything faster. Final word from G2A? Let’s Play!

