Emilio admits cheating, wants to compete again
avJoel “Emilio” Mako was the first of many professional CS:GO players to receive a VAC-ban in the incident later dubbed ”The VACcening”.
Since then Emilio has claimed his innocence, but now tells Aftonbladet Esport more details surrounding the ban.
– I played with X-ray cheat in matchmaking, it was fun for the moment but now I regret it every day, Emilio says.
A Fragbite Masters game played in October, between Team Property and HellRaisers, received an unusual amount of attention when Joel “Emilio” Mako recieved a VAC ban mid game. A ban wave soon followed, flushing out big names such as Simon “smn” Beck, Hovik “KQLY” Tovmassian and Gordon ”Sf” Giry. Since then Emilio has claimed, and tried to prove, his innocence without much success, but now tells Aftonbladet Esport that he has in fact cheated.
– Me and my IRL friends were playing matchmaking together with X-ray cheat. For the moment it was fun, until the consequenses blew back in my face. Even though I never cheated in an official match I realize it was wrong and I regret it every day, Emilio says.
”Never said it was my friend”
In Team Property’s official statement Emilio is quoted to blame his friend for cheating. ”I can’t prove that my IRL friend is the one that has been cheating, and I know it’s retarded to even lend him the account in the first place. But to my excuse, I really didnt know that all your accounts gets banned if 1 gets affected. If I knew that I would never ever give him the account because I would never risk my career!”, he was quoted as saying. But now Emilio says is a misunderstanding.
– I never said it was my friend that cheated. When the ban came alot of people made fun of me, linking to a banned account that was my friends account. I defended myself by explaining the account belonged to a friend, and not myself.
”I want to compete at LAN”
For Emilio the VAC ban means he is shut out from all form of tournament participation, something he thinks is an unfair punishment since he, according to himself, has never cheated in an official match: ”only in matchmaking”. He hopes to compete at the swedish LAN Rendezvouz later this spring.
– I want to compete in leagues and play just like I used to. LAN’s especially are important. That’s where everything happens and the only place I can prove my innocence, Emilio tells Aftonbladet Esport.