Fnatic’s Dreamhack revenge: ”Playing here is a special feeling”
avFnatic could finally get their revenge in a DreamHack tournament on Swedish ground.
After the elimination from DreamHack Stockholm and the boost debacle during DreamHack Winter, the best team in the World are once again at the top of a big tournament in their home country.
– It’s of course amazing to win a tournament, but it feels even better to do it on Swedish soil, a happy Markus ”pronax” Wallsten tells Aftonbladet Esport after their win over Na’Vi.
Fnatic hasn’t won a DreamHack tournament, not counting ESPORTSM last year, in Jönköping since their upset win against NiP in the first major 2013. But after their win against Na’Vi in the DreamHack Summer Open tournament they could once again hoist a trophy in front of the home fans.
The finals delivered a thrilling game, where Fnatic first took home Mirage with relative ease but then met with fierce resistance as Train was coming to a close.
”Never experienced something like that”
At the scoreline 14-14, Freddy ”KRiMZ” Johansson brought out his amazing form from this spring. With three kills in one of the most deciding moments of the game, Fnatic could take it to match point. The last round then became a stroll towards the finish line as the Na’Vi squad fell one by one.
– It was amazing to see the whole arena stand up and cheer us on afterwards. I have never, and I mean never, experienced something like that, Markus ”pronax” Wallsten, tells Aftonbladet Esport after the last round.
”People’s perception of us has changed”
The title marks a turnaound in the Fnatic luck during DreamHack events, where they’ve faced a number of setbacks since their win at DreamHack Winter. And pronax now says that he’s noticed a change in attitude towards the black and yellow squad.
– I’ve already felt that people’s perception of us has changed quite a bit. At the same time I’ve enjoyed going to other countries and defeating the home teams there, but now maybe we’re like a home team in Sweden as well.
How good does it feel to win at DreamHack again?
– Well, it feels damn good. Playing here is a special feeling. All the fans makes it really fun to play here.
”Things happen in the heat of the moment”
But their revenge isn’t merely a DreamHack affair. Last weekend they fell against Team SoloMid in the Fragbite Masters finals, and in the midst of the ongoing game against the danish squad that has been their toughest opponents as of late, the attendees could notice a heated debate between the players in the world famous team.
– Those things happen in the heat of the moment. Nobody takes those conversations personally and we always talk through what happened after the games. When we’re done talking we’re of course friends, but that loss was quite heavy.
– I think it’s good for the team that people get mad. Because we want to win, we want to become better.