Finnish organization wants to build the CS:GO grass roots
avWhile some of the best teams have gathered in London to compete in Gfinity, the Finnish CS:GO-community is heading towards Pelitalo Maximum Gaming to play for 2 500 Euro.
– The reason we are hosting this tournament is that there are not to many competitions in Finland for both professional and semi-professional teams, Patric Fahlman, head of PR for RCTIC who are organizing the tournament, says to Aftonbladet Esport.
The CS:GO community is growing like never before. While the biggest teams in the world are competing for bigger and bigger prize pools, several smaller tournaments are being held every weekend.
The upcoming weekend, the grass roots level of CS:GO will see two tournaments being hosted in northern Europe. One LAN will be held in Uppsala in Sweden, and one in Helsinki where some of the best Finnish team will gather to compete for a prize pool of 2 500 Euros.
– When there are so few tournaments in Finland the teams have a hard time developing their gameplay. So even though we have a team in the tournament, we feel we can give Finnish CS:GO a helping hand by hosting this tournament, Patric Fahlman at RCTIC eSports says to Aftonbladet Esport.
The tournament we be played on May 15th through 16th and will be broadcasted on RCTIC:s own Twitch-channel.
Lagen som deltar:
Team Menace (suNny, REFLEX, aslak, juhogodx, ociriz)
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Epiphany (ex.TryPants) (gstus, sAw, ZOREE, xseveN, SAGGERTON)
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