Iloveyouforever becomes the new London Conspiracy team
Last week, a new norwegian CS:GO team with the working name Iloveyouforever was announced.
Now it’s official that the lineup will be picked up by London Conspiracy.
– They have a dedicated fanbase and it’s more attractive than joining an organizaion noone has heard of before, says manager Robert Jonasson.
Ruben ”RUBINO” Villarroel and Håvard ”rain” Nygaard looked like they were leaving London Conspiracy when they formed a new lineup with Sebastian ”ensa” Aas, Joakim ”jkaem” Myrbostad and Morten ”zEVES”. But instead that lineup will form the new London Conspiracy team, which means that remaining players Pål ”Polly” Kammen, Bjørn ”Skurk” Maaren and Preben ”prb” Gammelsæter will be released from their contracts.
”Felt right putting together another norwegian lineup”
And manager Robert Jonasson, who put together the team along with LC manager Aleksander Prøis is satisfied with their new home.
– They contacted us pretty quickly and they’re still eager to compete in CS:GO. They give us all we can ask as a team that hasn’t had any LAN tournaments together yet, like free travel, food and gear. And it felt right putting together a norwegian team again since London Conspiracy already tried it and have played that scene.
Another benefit that comes with the name is easier access to tournaments.
– London Conspiracy have a dedicated fanbase and that’s more attractive than joining an organisation noone has heard of.