Nordic Masters winner had VAC ban – organization apologizes

av Tobias Lundgren


Games4u won Nordic Masters 2014 in mid February when they beat Team Property in the grand finals.
But after a user on Fragbite posted screenshots showing that one of the players in the winning team has a VAC ban from 2014, the arrangers now issues an apology.
But they also guarantee that there was no foul play during the lan.
– We can guarantee that there was no cheating, Games4u CS:GO admin Sebastian Svensson tells Aftonbladet Esport.

The CS:GO tournament Nordic Masters was decided in the middle of February when Team Property and Games4u, playing under the moniker of the arranging organization, faced each other in the grand finals. Games4u came out on top after a 3-0 win, securing a 4770 dollar first prize.
One of the top players in the team was Henrik ”henkez0t” Leskelä, but after the win a user on gaming site Fragbite published a post showing that henkez0t has a VAC ban from January 2014.
– Why did they let him through? dinka93 asks and posts several screenshots showing the banned account.

”We claim full responsibility”

Now, Games4u apologize for the oversight and say that they weren’t aware that the player had a VAC ban when they recruited them shortly before the tournament.
– We claim full responsibility and can do nothing but learn from our mistakes. It’s a shame you have to do investigations for this to not happen. We’ll be more thorough from now on and not take things for granted even though someone applies along with world famous players, the CS:GO admin Sebastian Svensson says.
He says that the organization are certain that there was no cheating going on during the tournament.
– We had people behind the team all the time. For example Team Orbit watched a lot of games when they weren’t playing themselves. So we can guarantee there was no cheating.

”Didn’t cheat in any serious games”

When Aftonbladet Esport contacts henkez0t he openly admits that the account was banned after he cheated in December last year.
– There is no two ways about it. But I want to specify that I didn’t cheat in any serious games whatsoever. I had grown tired of the game and chose to get the account banned so I could stay away from it. I cheated in three or four matchmaking games during one or two weeks, he says.
He also confirms that Games4u were unaware of his VAC ban.
– I talked to them before Nordic Masters and they asked if there were any previous VAC bans, and I told them ”no”. It wasn’t because I tried to trick them but simply because I had forgotten about that account since it was one and a half years ago it was banned.

”Don’t think it will affect me”

There’s been a lot of talk about VAC:s after the KQLY incident, but you don’t seem to concerned about being pointed out and accused?

– I don’t think a ban from a year and a half ago will affect me. People saw how I played during Nordic Masters and they know I’m capable of playing good, no matter if it’s on LAN or online. I’m not worried about being pointed out. People can think whatever they want about me. I know what happened and didn’t happen. After that, people can speculate all they want.

”Will issue a statement”

According to Sebastian Svensson, Games4u will take measures against the player after the news, without specifying what they will do.
– Regarding a punishment we will discuss it internally. We’ll issue a statement shortly.

And henkez0t will face whatever punishment comes his way.
– I don’t really think about it, I will just have to face the consequences.

