Sources: ”Fnatic was forced to forfeit by their sponsor”
The CS:GO tournament at Dreamhack Winter was a large success. Millions upon millions tuned in to watch probably the best major to date. However, the big talking point after the tourney was not the exiting final or the Negev Champagne spray from LDLC:s coach after their victory, but a boost on Overpass and a forfeited quarter finals.
– Steelseries pushed Fnatic to forfeit their game against LDLC, one of two sources, high up in the esport-community, told Aftonbladet Esport.
LDLC won the biggest CS:GO tournament of the year. The French team defeated Ninjas in Pyjamas in an breathtaking final with several hundres of thousands watching over the internet. But the big topic on CS:GO related forums was the boost on Overpass by the Swedish team Fnatic.
At the CT-spawn the swedes used a boost that basically broke the map. From his view Olof ”Olofmeister” Kjabjer could see a big portion of the map and kill several of the opposition without them knowing where they were shot from.
”Not happy”
After a few twist and turns Dreamhack decided that the game on Overpass would be replayed. But Fnatic opted to forfeit the game. LDLC went on to defeat Na’Vi and eventually win the entire tournament.
– Steelseries was not happy with all the reactions from the community and told Fnatic to not play the game, a source told Aftonbladet Esport.
When the tournament was over and the last smoke had dispersed two of Fnatics biggest stars took to social media to let their feelings be known. Robin ”flusha” Rönnquist wrote a heartfellt post about the hate he and his teammates have been receiving for weeks from all of the world.
– Ever since this witch hunt started 9 out of 10 messages to me on twitter/facebook has been insults or deaththreats, he wrote in a post on his Facebook
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Fnatic coach, Jonatan ”Devilwalk” Lundberg, denies the sources claims and tells Aftonbladet Esport that the decision was 100 percent made by the players. Steelseries Sponsorship Manager, Marc Winther Kristensen, wrote the following email regarding our questions:
”We are not commenting on this right now, if that changes I will reach out to you directly.”