Steel confirms: Removed from casting position after community pressure

av Simon Engstrand


A social media storm stirred when Joshua “Steel” Nissan, who was recently suspended by Valve after a betting scandal, was one of the casters during the Kings of Majors-tournament.
The following day, Steel was nowhere to be seen and he has confirmed to Aftonbladet Esport that it was because of community pressure.
– I had a feeling this would happen and I warned Availer about it, Steel says.

When Joshua “Steel” Nissan and his team iBUYPOWER got busted for matchfixing they were banned from all Valve-sponsored events. Organisations like ESEA and Faceit soon followed their example and banned the players from participating in their tournaments.

”The community went wild”

Even though Steel and his former teammates were shut out from most events, his voice echoed over the world on Monday when he co-casted the E-Frag organized Kings of Major-tournament. The community response was swift and many fans threatened to boycot the event if he was not removed.
– I had a feeling this would happen and I warned Availer about it. I went on the cast and the community went wild, posts on HLTV and Reddit called for my banishment, Joshua says to Aftonbladet.

Thinks Steel should be given second chance

Because of his participation putting the broadcast in such a negative light, Mohamed ”Availer” Zardab decided to remove Nissan from the casting team and replaced him with Jacob ”Pimp” Winneche. However, Mohamed personally thinks Joshua should be given a second chance.
– Essentially It’s like, if someone drives badly, you remove his license. Right now, we are telling him you cannot be in the car at all, Mohamed says.

Mohamed also says he will work with Joshua in the future but realizes the community is not yet ready to give him a second chance.

