Purple after his incredible feat at Dreamhack: ”I had a horse shoe up my arse for three days”
Former Team Archon coach Ryan ”Purple” Murphy-Root switched career to test his skills as a player.
And after three days of fighting in Jönköping, Sweden, he has proven worthy for a Dreamhack gold medal.
– I played pretty good and it was not that hard. Also I had a horse shoe up my arse for three straight days so that helps, the star says laughing.
From once having coached the Hearthstone giants of Team Archon, Ryan ”Purple” Murphy-Root decided to spread his wings and try his luck as a player. So far his career has truly been successful.
Currently ranked fourth on GosuGamers.net, the GamersOrigin giant on Saturday became the most recent Dreamhack champion. He went through the tournament only losing one single match.
– I show up to win everything, Purple tells Aftonbladet Esport after the victory.
– I played pretty good and it was not that hard. Also I had a horse shoe up my arse for three straight days so that helps, he says laughing.
For the last Dreamhack tourney of the year, many of the big names stayed out. Pruple describes it as ”Kind of a lonely Dreamhack”, yet after his grand victory there were a whole lot of people waiting to hug him, shake his hand and congratulate on the first prize.
– The Archon boys are still my family, the GamersOrigin players says and continues:
– For the whole pro community there’s been a lot of traveling the last month and I completely understand why people stayed home for this one.
The victory means that Purple can travel home 15 HWC points and 12 500 dollars richer.