G0DFRED ahead of Worlds: ”It will be incredibly tough for H2K”
The Swede Oskar ”G0DFRED” Lundström came as a newcomer for the summer split with GIANTS! Gaming. G0DFRED says people’s expectations of him and the team has been low, but he considers their split successful.
– I think we’ve performed well based off the expectations and how the season has been. Of course I wish we would’ve done better and I think we have potential to do so. But for my first split I’m very satisfied with the results, G0DFRED tells Aftonbladet Esport.
What were the expectations?
– That we would be automatically relegated.
– So we entered the split feeling no pressure at all, which was very nice since for me as a newcomer. It felt like we had everything to prove.
”There are some language barriers”
GIANTS! Gaming are more or less a fully Spanish team. Other than G0DFRED and the german substitute Lewis ”Noxiak” Felix, all players are Spanish. That does not seem to bother G0DFRED.
– It feels good. There are of course some language barriers, but we get better and better dealing with it”, he says.
There are however still things to work on.
– First and foremost we need to practice our communication and game knowledge, also our early game decisions. I think that will help much.
You’ll come back the next split and fight again, how do you feel about that?
– It feels really good. I’ looking forward to play on stage again and evolve as a player.
”It will be incredibly tough for H2K”
The world championship of League of Legends starts on Thursday. There two Swedes are attending. First out is Martin ”Rekkles” Larsson with his record breaking team Fnatic. They are set to face Invictus Gaming in the opening match.
– I expect Fnatic to make it out of their group, G0DFRED says and continues:
– I expected Fnatic to have a strong split, but to win so many matches in a row without a single loss was very unexpected. It clearly shows their team morale and will to win. To keep fokus through all matches and do in such a convincing fashion is very impressive.
Do you think Fnatic can win?
– You should never say never, but I think it’ll be very hard.
For the other Swede, Petter ”Hjärnan” Freyschuss from H2K, G0DFRED predicts much lower results.
– It will be incredibly tough for H2K.
– Their play style is very binary and they pretty much play the same way in all matches. Not only does SK Telecom and Edward Gaming have very strong individual player, but also some of the best coaches that should know what H2K wants to do and usually does. Both SKT and EDG can adapt and exploit this.