Jesse ”Jesiz” Le: ”I expect Gamers2 to qualify for the LCS”

av Tobias Lundgren
Jesiz in the middle, with We are Doggsz after the Nordic Open win at DreamHack Summer. Photo: Adela Sznajder / DreamHack

After a stint in the North American LCS, danish player Jesse ”Jesiz” Le is now back in Europe playing for Gamers2.
And the mid laner recently turned ADC is confident that they will take the leap to the LCS after this split.
– I actually expect us to qualify, I feel confident with the roster, he tells Aftonbladet Esport.

Before the European Challenger Series got underway a couple of days ago, Jesse ”Jesiz” Le and a group of friends attended DreamHack Summer in Jönköping where they won the Riot tournament Nordic Open after flattening all of the other teams. Under the moniker ”We Are Doggsz” they ran through the tournament undefeated, as expected by the seasoned Le.
– It was an amateur tournament and it was fun, but we were five solo queue players coming together and we were expecting to just stomp everyone solo queue mode, and we did, Le tells Aftonbladet Esport.

”We have the strongest players”

Back in the reality of hardcore competitive League of Legends, Jesiz and his Gamers2 have started the Challenger Series Summer Split with a 2-0 record and are aiming for the qualifier spots in the league. And even though Le switched roles from mid laner to ADC, he still feels they’re one of the teams to look out for towards the end of the split.
– I think Gamers2 has a good chance in Challenger, as it looks on paper we have almost the strongest players in each individual role and I think we work really well together as a team, but honestly time will tell.
– But I actually expect us to qualify for the LCS. I feel confident with the roster and I think we’ll be top three in Challenger so we should at least get to relegations. And I think we have really good chances if we improve a lot and have the right mindset.

Which teams from the LCS do you think you could take on in a qualifier?
– From what it looks right now, SK are looking really weak. Gambit are looking a bit better, but Elements are looking really really weak in my opinion.

”There’s more money in North America”

Coming back to Europe where he was kicked from Team Coast, he also talks about the tendency of Danish players moving to North America whereas Sweden right now is one of the countries that has the most players in the European LCS.
– I think it’s because Denmark has a lot of star players, they get a lot of offers to get on huge teams in North America. I think that’s the reason, there’s more money there if you’re a star player.

Is there some kind of effect, when a team finds a player form a specific country other teams start looking there too?
– No, I think it’s just random where they find talent. If they find talent they’re gonna contact them. And America is very rich so they’re looking for the best of the best, and so far they’ve been from Denmark.

Next week, Gamers2 will have their baptism of fire in the Challenger Series as they take on Mousesports who have also gone 2-0 so far in the league.

