Quickshot about how Origen can beat Fnatic: ”They have to target Reignover”
A split of unexpected upsets lies behind us as we move towards the LCS european finals.
There, in the grand finals, Origen will face off against the so far undefeated Fnatic, a match up that play-by-play caster Trevor ”Quickshot” Henry had not anticipated.
– I personally didn’t think Origen would be that good, he tells Aftonbladet Esport
The summer split of the european League of Legends Championship Series came with plenty of upsets. Fnatics record breaking win streak of 21-0 being one and Origens unexpected strength being another.
Now the two rivals are set to face each other in the grand finals in Stockholm, Sweden, home turf for AD-carry Martin ”Rekkles” Larssons. Also a final that play-by-play caster Trevor ”Quickshot” Henry did not foresee.
– I personally didn’t think Origen would be that good. I went in to the summer split expecting them to be in the middle of the table, and much to my surprise they stepped up and really showed that they are the second best team in Europe, Quickshot tells Aftonbladet Esport.
Still, the greatest highlight has not been the surprising performance from Origen. Instead it’s the players in black and orange that Quickshot will remember the most.
– We’ve not seen a split as dominanted from any team in the western scene and LCS history, Quickshot says and continues:
– I think what actually stands out the most about the streak is how Fnatic came back from the 5000 gold down from H2K and and 7000 gold down from Origen. Two very important games where some of their weaknesses were exposed. Whenever you say ‘can a team play from behind?’, ‘can a team adapt in game?’, the answer is almost always ‘no’ for the newer teams. Fnatic actually proved everyone wrong by bouncing back.
According to Quickshot, there are many reasons for Fnatics incredible run. Tthe teams many influences – having players from both Korea and Europe – along with having an experienced team captain in Bora ”Yellowstar” Kim, and a strong coaching team.
– All of these things combined is what makes them so good, Quickshot says.
”They have to target Reignover”
Going into the finals there are two big story lines, but only one can come true. Will Fnatic remain undefeated or will Origen close the circle, climbing from being a challenger – to winning the european finals.
Quickshot can’t pick one, but he does think he knows what Origen has to do, in order to beat Fnatic.
– I actually think they have to target Reignover. The one thing we’ve learned in the 21 games that Fnatic have played and won, is that Reignove has a smaller champion pool than every other role, the expert explains and continues:
– When Fnatic get a good early game, Reignover can do whatever he wants. With his map play and Yellowstars calls, they almost always find advantages. But the games when they fell behind in gold was when he was unable to do that.
What team do you feel have the advantage, both mentally and team wise?
– I think Fnatic have a little bit of an advantage, because there’s really only the pressure of playing for the summer split title and the number one seed. As a team they are guaranteed a placement in the world championship which is what they were aiming for, what the goal was. For Origen, they not only still have to earn their spots in the world championship. They have to try and take down the undefeated Fnatic and they still have to deal with all of the naysayers, Quickshot says and continues.
– With the different types of pressure, I feel that Fnatic will be in a slightly better position. Also from post game interviews and seeing how they react, this is a team that is very focused and very much with their eyes on the price.