Sources: Fnatic close to signing Rekkles replacement
Fnatic star ADC Martin ”Rekkles” Larsson decided to leave the team and sign up with rivals The Alliance.
Now sources tell OnGamers that his replacement will be another young supertalent – 17 year old Jesper ”Niels XD” Svenningsen.
– Niels has impressed the guys in Fnatic and Xpeke thinks he is going to be amazing, a source tells the site.
The biggest move during this years silly season was undoubtedly when Fnatics superstar Martin ”Rekkles” Larsson packed his bags and moved to The Alliance, where he will be replacing Erik ”Tabzz” van Helvert who opted to leave North America earlier this fall.
”Will surprise some people”
Rekkles decision punched a huge hole in the Fnatic lineup. A hole they now want to fill with one of the most promising young european players on the scene. Sources tell OnGamers that danish ADC Jesper ”Niels XD” Svenningsen, previously in Gambit Gaming, is close to signing a contract with the organisation.
– Niels has impressed the guys in Fnatic and Xpeke thinks he is going to be amazing. It’s a move that will surprise some people but everyone knows he’s the best AD carry in Challenger by far.
”He’ll follow them everywhere”
When rumors about Rekkles departure started spreading, things started shaking in the Fnatic lineup and it’s still unclear wether or not Enrique ”xPeke” Cedeño Martínez and Lauri ”Cyanide” Happonen will stay with the team or opt to use the buy-out clause in their contracts. But even if they choose to leave, OnGamers sources claim that Svenningsen will play with the stars in the future.
– Niels will be a Fnatic player as long as the big boys stay in the team. Whatever happens though he will follow them everywhere.