YamatoCannon: ”Everyone in the team feels that this is a new Roccat”

av Tobias Lundgren


After being relegated along with MeetYourMakers, head coach Jakob ”YamatoCannon” Mebdi stated his intentions of finding another LCS team to lead.
That team turned out to be Team Roccat, and he has already started working on changing their style of play before going into relegations late April.
– We’ve fundamentally changed their way of working with the game, everyone in the team feels this is a new Roccat, he tells Aftonbladet Esport.

MeetYourMakers failed to secure a spot in the LCS next split, and now the team is rumored to split with Jesper ”Jwaow” Strandgren reportedly scrimming with Elements and Marcin ”Kori” Wolski on his way to CounterLogic Gaming according to Daily Dot.
But the first man out the door was coach Jakob ”YamatoCannon” Mebdi, stating early on that he wished to coach a team in the LCS. Shortly after, he was contacted by Team Roccat and yesterday the announcement was made.
– I knew the players from before, and I had some other offers but Roccat was the best choice for me because of their really talented roster and a good organization backing them up. I can’t ask for anything more, he tells Aftonbladet Esport.

”That’s the important thing with teams”

Even before the announcement, YamatoCannon and the team had been hard at work, preparing for the upcoming relegations game against Copenhagen Wolves Academy. The main focus has been on changing some of the more obvious problems Mebdi says the roster had during the Spring Split.
– I viewed it as simple problems to fix. It started in the pick- and ban phase and just the general mentality in game. The last week of LCS we beat them with MYM, I think that says a lot. But we’ve been working on it quite a bit and I already see improvements.
– The important thing with teams is handling the problems that arise. No teams are flawless, but right now we’re in a good state and are moving forward.

”Looking forward to relegations more than I fear it”

What are your expectations on the relegations game?
– We take everything in steps. The first step is relegations and the second step is getting out of there. We have some pressure but I feel like I’m looking forward to it more than I fear it. Part of me is worried, but I’m more excited. But I don’t even wanna think about what would happen if we don’t qualify, that’s not an option.

And if you dare to look forward from the relegations game, what’s in store for Roccat?
– I’ve said a lot of times that I don’t like looking into the future too much, but we have the potential of being one of the best teams in Europe. What happened is in the past, this is a new Roccat. We’ve fundamentally changed their way of working with the game, everyone in the team feels this is a new Roccat.
– With that said, I’m not gonna say that we’re gonna be top three in Europe. But I can say that I hope and expect that we’ll reach the top in Europe.

