Armada about the new Dreamhack tournaments: ”Something I’ve actively tried to achieve”
For many years the game has been requested and now it’s finally settled: Dreamhack will start hosting SMASH-tournaments.
One of the persons behind the new project is the Swedish world champion Adam ”Armada” Lindgren.
– This is something I’ve actively tried to achieve and I’m incredibly happy that we finally have a spot, Armada tells Aftonbladet Esport.
Dreamhack are set to host Smash-tournaments at their upcoming London event in september and also at Dreamhack Winter in November. Rumors about the project have been going around through out the week and was confirmed by Dreamhack on Friday.
”Super Smash Bros. Melee has been one of the most requested esports tournaments at Dreamhack events during the last few years”, the Swedish LAN organizers wrote in a press release.
One of the persons behind the project is the Swedish world champion Adam ”Armada” Lindgren. Earlier this summer he won the worlds biggest and most prestigefull tournament, EVO15. Now the swede can look forward to new challenges on home turf.
–It feels extremely good that we finally get the chance to be represented at Dreamhack. Dreamhack is so big for esports in Sweden and overall it just feels like an honor to be a part of the finest of Swedish esports, Armada tells Aftonbladet Esport and continues:
– This is something I’ve actively try to achieve and I’m incredibly happy that we finally have a spot.
The fighting game has a rich history going back many years. It was released 14 years ago for the Gamecube and has to this day an active and committed fanbase. But just about all the big tournaments are played in USA, something Armada hopes will change with the new european tournaments.
– This is going to effect the european scene in a big way. Dreamhack is a very large organisation and they reach out to a whole lot of people. We are gonna be able to get many talented american players here, which for sure is going to make it more prestigefull, and also going to get more people to attend and watch.
Why do you think Smash in particular is a good game for organizers to pick up?
– Because there is probably no community as dedicated to their game as ours, Armada says and continues:
– Melee was released about 14 years ago. This was a time before Youtube and Twitch. This was a time where the status for esports were much lower, and fighting games were no exception. Even though we don’t have a multiplayer feature, even though Gamecube as a console sold bad, even though Nintendo dislikes us rather than supporting us we have been able to overcome all obstacles. How many games can say they are 14 year old, have two sequels, but is still larger than ever?