DOTA2 Esportal drops LAN-finals: ”No suitable dates” DOTA2Through out the year several teams have competed in the Esportal Dota tournament. 100 000 Euros [...]
DOTA2 Esportal avgörs utan LAN-final: ”Hittar inte lämpliga datum” DOTA2Esportal-turneringen med nästan en miljon i prispotten kommer inte få en LAN-final. Det står kl [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Vega på väg mot sjunde gången gillt i Esportal Dota2 League DOTA2 - EsportalEsportals allra sista kval har nått den stora finalen – och för Vega Squadron står mycket på spe [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal 4Clover klara för Esportal-final efter galen matchserie DOTA2 - EsportalDet tredje öppna kvalet i Esportal Dota2 League är över och 4 Clover & Lepricon är sjätte la [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal 4 Clover to Esportal Grand Finals after monster series DOTA2 - EsportalThe third Esportal Open Qualifier is over and 4 Clover & Lepricon is the sixth team to [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal ”SexyBamboe built the momentum they needed” DOTA2 - Esportal4 Clover & Lepricon only started playing together one month ago, but now they have a shot [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal 4ASC till Esportals kvalfinal efter jättecomebacken DOTA2 - EsportalVega såg ut att gå mot Esportal Open Qualifier-finalen då de kontrollerade tisdagens andra möte [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal 4ASC to Esportal qualifier finals after huge turnaround DOTA2 - EsportalVega seemed to head towards the finals of Esportal Open Qualifier 3 as they controlled the [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Esportal is back once more: ”We love the smaller teams” DOTA2 - EsportalEsportals third open qualifier is here. Once more any team can qualify for the big Esportal [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal NiP till Esportal-final: ”Det skulle vara riktigt stort att vinna” DOTA2 - EsportalNinjas in Pyjamas vann det tredje invitational-kvalet i Esportal Dota 2 League efter att ha [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal NiP to Esportal finals: ”It would be huge for us to win” DOTA2 - EsportalNinjas in Pyjamas claimed a place in the Esportal Grand Finals after defeating rivals Power [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal NiP:s shot at revenge in the third Esportal invitational finals DOTA2 - Esportal In the second qualifier, Swedes Ninjas in Pyjamas were eliminated by Power Rangers in the semi [...]
DOTA2 MeePwn’d fell after huge mistake: ”Oh my, what a disaster” DOTA2Ninjas in Pyjamas are once again in the semifinals of an Esportal qualifier after winning [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal ”Alliance have a legit shot to take the qualifier” DOTA2 - EsportalEver since Alliance started shuffling their roster around post TI4, they’ve struggled to [...]
ESPORT Ninjas in Pyjamas DotA 2 in the Esportal 2015 qualifier ESPORTThe Ninjas in Pyjamas DotA 2 team participated in the Esportal Dota 2 League Invitational [...]