DOTA2 - Esportal London Conspiracy efter utslagningen: ”Vi lär oss nya saker” DOTA2 - EsportalEsportal är tillbaka med det tredje invitational-kvalet inför sommarens stora final. Och i o [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal London Conspiracy have been eliminated: ”Many things went wrong” DOTA2 - EsportalEsportal is back with its third invitational qualifier for the big LAN-event. In the first [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Esportals third Invitational qualifier DOTA2 - EsportalEsportal is back, this time with the fourth qualifier to the big LAN-event. Some of the biggest [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Highlights from the Esportal second invitational qualifier DOTA2 - EsportalAsus.Polar advanced to the grand finals of Esportal Dota 2 League after defeating Power Rangers [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Asus.Polar klara för Esportal-finalen: ”Vilken match att avsluta med” DOTA2 - EsportalI en match som var svängigare än en alpväg lyckades Asus.Polar till sist besegra Power Rangers o [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Asus.Polar to Esportal finals over PR: ”What a slugfest” DOTA2 - EsportalIn a game with more twists and turns than an alp road, Asus.Polar finally managed to claim the [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal NiP eliminated from Esportals second qualifier: ”Got tunnelvision” DOTA2 - EsportalNinjas in Pyjamas have been eliminated from Esportals second Invitational Qualifier. The [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Ninjas in Pyjamas utslagna ur Esportal: ”Fick tunnelseende” DOTA2 - EsportalNinjas in Pyjamas aggressiva taktik kostade dem avancemang i Esportal. Mot vitryska Power [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Alliance klara för semifinalen i Esportal Dota 2 League DOTA2 - EsportalAlliance, återigen med flera standins i laguppställningen, är klara för semifinal i det andra in [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal ”Showed why they’re one of the top Western teams” DOTA2 - EsportalIn a very controlled game, one of the favourites in the second Esportal Invitational Qualifiers [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Alliance edges past Vega to the Esportal semis DOTA2 - EsportalAlliance once again fielded several standins in the game against Vega in Esportals second [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Asus.Polar vidare efter klar seger över 4ASC DOTA2 - EsportalI en kontrollerad match kunde en av favoriterna i andra Invitional-kvalet till Esportals stora [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Power Rangers vann över Meepwn’d efter rysare DOTA2 - EsportalPower Rangers ersatte avhoppade Team Tinker i Esportal Dota 2 League – och det kan tittarna v [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Team Tinker disbands – will be replaced by Power Rangers in Esportal DOTA2 - EsportalTeam Tinker will not participate in the second invitational qualifier to Esportals big [...]
DOTA2 - Esportal Apemother: ”Without new teams esports is nothing” DOTA2 - EsportalJoel ”Apemother” Larsson long lived on the verge of being a professional esports [...]