CS:GO Maikelele: ”Det största som kan hända en svensk spelare” CS:GOMikail ”Maikelele” Bill blev i veckan klar för Ninjas in Pyjamas. Han kommer att e [...]
ESPORT f0rest fragmovie ESPORTIn this fragmovie by Mr. Tweeday, f0rest takes on Virtus Pro in the SLTV StarSeries IX Finals. [...]
ESPORT With or without you…r beard? ESPORTThis article is basically exactly what the headline says it is. A compilation of pictures [...]
ESPORT f0rest vs. fnatic ESPORTFinally, the video you guys have been waiting for. The man of the hour is f0rest and in this [...]
ESPORT Counting down his 5 favorite movies: f0rest ESPORT5. Shaun of the dead [IMDB score: 8.0] Plot: Shaun doesn’t have a very good day, so he [...]