ESPORT Under täcket with Emil ”HeatoN” Christensen ESPORTIn approximately one hour Ninjas in Pyjamas owner and founder Emil ”HeatoN” [...]
ESPORT Area08 is live! ESPORTThere has been tears, there has been laughter and a lot of late nights at the office. Finally, [...]
ESPORT P3 podcast with Emil ”HeatoN” Christensen ESPORTTomorrow at 15.00 CEST our Owner and Founder will be on the Swedish radio channel P3 together [...]
ESPORT Ninjas in Pyjamas launch their brand new website! ESPORTToday we are happy to announce that our website, which has been under construction for some [...]
ESPORT Behind Mc10 – Krull Productions ESPORTSome of you may be wondering, what is this talk of NiP DiPP and what is it referencing? Who are [...]
ESPORT Allu recruited to Ninjas in Pyjamas ESPORTThe Ninjas in Pyjamas CS:GO team have decided on a player to practice with for the upcoming ESL [...]
CS:GO HeatoN: ”Vi kommer vara bästa laget 2015, jag är helt säker” CS:GOEmil ”HeatoN” Christensen såg sitt lag bli krossat på den avgörande kartan under X-Games [...]
CS:GO HeatoN: ”I guarantee we’ll be the best team 2015” CS:GOEmil ”HeatoN” Christensen saw his team get demolished on the deciding map during the X-Games fin [...]
CS:GO CS:GO-profilerna på plats under BarStrike i Stockholm CS:GOInför finalerna av CS:GO-turneringen under X-Games samlades flera fans och profiler i Stockholm [...]
CS:GO The CS:GO profiles gathered for BarStrike in Stockholm CS:GOThe X-Games CS:GO tournament is coming to a close and in Stockholm people have gathered at [...]
ESPORT Ninjas in Pyjamas flashback#1 ESPORTHow much do you remember of the old Ninjas in Pyjamas lineup? In the video above you will [...]
ESPORT NiP DOTA 2: Announcement ESPORTToday the Ninjas in Pyjamas enter the DOTA Realm by aquiring the team Lajons. The Ninjas have [...]
ESPORT Shootout with Kosta Outlet ESPORTYesterday’s shootout at Kosta Outlet was a huge success with almost all of our [...]
ESPORT Esport-profilen om sitt livs största misstag: ”I fucked up” ESPORTDen här historien kommer att handla om Rod “Slasher” Breslau, om esport och nya medielandskap. D [...]
ESPORT NiP featured in Livets Goda Dagar ESPORTLivets Goda Dagar have written an article about Ninjas in Pyjamas and it’s manager HeatoN [...]