CS:GO Rubino: ”We have really big shoes to fill in LGB” CS:GOThey left London Conspiracy and found a new home in LGB Esports – a revived organisation whos o [...]
CS:GO LGB Esports värvar gamla LC: ”Det känns fantastiskt” CS:GOI går offentliggjorde Diglife att de köpt svenska esportorganisationen LGB Esports och siktade p [...]
CS:GO LGB Esports pick up former London Conspiracy roster CS:GOYesterday, Diglife aquired Swedish esports organisation LGB Esports with the goal of building a [...]
CS:GO Bekräftat: Affären mellan Diglife och LGB Esport i hamn CS:GOI går kunde Aftonbladet Esport avslöja att investmentbolaget Diglife köpt upp svenska es [...]
CS:GO Confirmed: Diglife acquires LGB Esports CS:GOYesterday, Aftonbladet Esport revealed that a deal between investment company Diglife and LGB [...]
CS:GO London Conspiracy parts ways with CS:GO squad CS:GOOnly three weeks after announcing their new CS:GO team, London Conspiracy now parts ways with [...]
CS:GO CS:GO-laget lämnar London Conspiracy: ”Kommer hålla ihop” CS:GOEndast tre veckor efter att London Conspiracy presenterat sin nya CS:GO-lineup har laget lämnat [...]
CS:GO Diglife acquires LGB Esports – forms new CS:GO squad CS:GOSwedish CS:GO squad LGB Esports disbanded in May despite reaching the semifinals of EMS One [...]
CS:GO Diglife köper LGB Esports – bygger nytt CS:GO-lag CS:GODet svenska CS:GO-laget LGB Esports splittrades i maj, trots att de nådde framgångar med en s [...]