SC2 MorroW missar WCS efter missförstånd: ”Vi är väldigt missnöjda” SC2Missförståndet mellan Team Property och ”FEST LYON”-arrangörerna får dryga konse [...]
ESPORT Team Property invited to FEST Lyon 2015 ESPORTTeam Property are going to France! We are going to clash against the top Starcraft teams of [...]
ESPORT Property vs Millenium in Cascade Clan League recap ESPORTThe third match has taken place in Cascade Clan League and it were against the French team [...]
ESPORT First match won in Cascade Starcraft Clan League ESPORTDuring Thursday evening, the first match in Cascade Clan League 2015 took place as the team [...]
ESPORT Cowsy shares his thoughts about Birdie 2015 ESPORTBirdie 2015 is over and what an experience it was, I have gotten many new fond memories and met [...]
ESPORT Mästarmöte i ESPORTSM ESPORTI går spelades semifinalerna i StarCraft 2 från ESPORTSM. Jag tror inte att många väntat sig res [...]
ESPORT Zanster secures slot to ESPORTSM finals ESPORTYesterday we could witness Zanster secure himself the Swedish IeSF-title after winning against [...]
ESPORT ESPORTSM playoffs feature three Property players ESPORTThis Saturday, the 16th of May, the ESPORTSM playoffs are starting, with only four players [...]
ESPORT ESPORTSM playoff feature three Property players ESPORTThis Saturday, the 16th of May, the ESPORTSM playoffs are starting, with only four players [...]
ESPORT Zanster wins the Swedish IeSF qualifier ESPORTBy defeating his own teammate MorroW 3-0 it is decided that Zanster will be the Swedish [...]
SC2 Svenskt fiasko i WCS – Alla svenskar överkörda SC2Efter att två av våra svenska talanger körts ut från WCS vilade allt hopp på Stefan ̶ [...]
ESPORT Morrow sista svensken i WCS – Två av tre utslagna ESPORTStefan ”MorroW” Andersson står kvar som det sista svenska hoppet i World Champion S [...]
ESPORT WCS Challenger matches decided – Time to reach Premier ESPORTOn the 27th of April it’s time for the second season of WCS to kick off its Challenger matches. [...]
ESPORT Property vs Liquid LotV showmatch sunday 18.00 CET ESPORTThis Sunday we will be facing Team Liquid in a Legacy of the Void showmatch series arranged by [...]
ESPORT Zanster och MorroW utslagna ur CPH Games – Recap ESPORTIgår spelade Team Propertys MorroW och Zanster i Copenhagen Games. NaNiwa skulle också ha sp [...]