CS:GO Nytt damlag på horisonten: ”Jag hoppas nästa steg blir mixlag” CS:GOEn ökande trend inom CS:GO-scenen är för organisationer att plocka upp damlag. Nu blir även Team [...]
ESPORT Roster changes in the CS:GO female squad ESPORTAfter a period of struggle for the team a change had to be made and today we announce this [...]
ESPORT Signed Rambolina team shirt giveaway ESPORTMatilda ”Rambolina” Gustavsson will be doing a giveaway on her social medias where [...]
ESPORT The ESWC qualifier continues from Dreamhack Summer 2015 ESPORTThe ESWC qualifier is now on it’s second day and during the first day the girls won their [...]
ESPORT [Eng] Rambolina’s Blog ESPORTIt has been roughly 4 months since we first started playing for Team Property. In this time [...]
ESPORT [Swe] Rambolina’s blogg ESPORTNu har de gått ca. fyra månader sen vi började spela i Team Property. Vi har redan hunnit ha bo [...]
ESPORT Rambolina at Overpass Dreamhack Tours 2015 – Frag video ESPORTHere is a short frag video featuring our very own Matilda ”Rambolina” Gustavsson [...]
ESPORT Intel becomes main sponsor for the female CS:GO team ESPORTWe are really excited to welcome Intel to the Team Property family. Intel will be the main [...]
ESPORT Team Property CS:GO Female on site Dreamhack Tours ESPORTThe girls have landed and are setting up their gear in the LAN area. The managed to get a last [...]