CS:GO Profilen om okända jättedramat: ”Pappa hoppade” CS:GOSedan en tid tillbaka har det varit kolsvart på Benjamin ”DeMusliM” Bakers [...]
ESPORT Esport SM annonserat – här är årets titlar ESPORTVilka är Sveriges bästa spelare i Starcraft, Hearthstone och Counter-Strike: Global Offensive? D [...]
SC2 Världsstjärnan missar stora ligan – på grund av skandalarresten SC2Lee ”Bunny” Jae Sung är klar för Global Starcraft League Code S – men han tog [...]
SC2 Hyllade världsstjärnan arresterad – stängs av SC2Hyllade Starcraft-stjärnan Lee ”Life” Seung Hyun har blivit arresterad av samma m [...]
SC2 Så lyckades stjärnan med otroliga comebacken: ”Tänkte på familjen” SC2Kang ”Solar” Min Soo tog sig genom upper bracket till final mot Won [...]
SC2 Norska Starcraft-hoppet inför slutspelet: ”Desperationsträningen har hjälpt lite” SC2Efter två fullspäckade Starcraft-dagar inleds nu slutspelet av Intel Extreme Masters i Sh [...]
ESPORT Watch Property vs TES in CCL ESPORTTonight we are going up against Team Extreme Supremacy in the Cascade Clan League. Watch some [...]
ESPORT Watch Property vs TES in CCL ESPORTTonight we are going up against Team Extreme Supremacy in the Cascade Clan League. Watch some [...]
ESPORT ESPORTSM Starcraft 2 Finals 2015 ESPORTYesterday the ESPORTSM finals in StarCraft were played. Team Property’s Zanster faced off [...]
ESPORT Zanster and Team Property Swedish champions!!! ESPORTA 16 minute intense ling baneling war was the setting for the final deciding game of the Grand [...]
ESPORT Interview with Zanster about the ESPORTSM final ESPORTAfter a tough season we are now reaching the end of ESPORTSM 2015, with the finals being played [...]
ESPORT Property vs Millenium in Cascade Clan League recap ESPORTThe third match has taken place in Cascade Clan League and it were against the French team [...]
ESPORT Throwback Thursday – Dreamhack Summer 2013 ”SjoWtime” ESPORTDreamhack Summer is approaching and therefore we thought to a share a story with you all that [...]
ESPORT Team Property vs Imaginary Gaming ESPORTMonday night Property’s Starcraft team faced off against Imaginary Gaming from France in [...]
ESPORT Cascade Clan League kicks off ESPORTTeam Property’s StarCraft 2 squad is once again participating in a team league, this time C [...]