ESPORT Zanster makes it to the HIAT tournament in Toronto ESPORTMany have fallen in the qualifers but our very own Zanster made it through the qualifiers of [...]
ESPORT Team Property invited to FEST Lyon 2015 ESPORTTeam Property are going to France! We are going to clash against the top Starcraft teams of [...]
ESPORT A short visit to DreamHack Summer ESPORTFor the first time I made a really short visit to DreamHack in Jönköping. Just a single day, b [...]
HOTS ESL pumpar in 1,8 miljoner i Starcraft och HoTS HOTSTillsammans med MSI Master Gaming Arena, kommer ESL att arrangera det som tidigare hette MSI [...]
ESPORT My trip to France ESPORTIt’s been two weeks since I visited France to cast DreamHack Tours. But I’ve been really busy si [...]
ESPORT Zanster secures slot to ESPORTSM finals ESPORTYesterday we could witness Zanster secure himself the Swedish IeSF-title after winning against [...]
ESPORT Zanster wins the Swedish IeSF qualifier ESPORTBy defeating his own teammate MorroW 3-0 it is decided that Zanster will be the Swedish [...]
ESPORT StarNaN and Mekar wins their groups – joins Zanster in the second group stage ESPORTThe first group stage in Dreamhack Open Tours has concluded and StarNaN together with Mekar [...]
ESPORT Zanster convincingly secures last ESPORTSM spot – ”I feel no pressure now” ESPORTAll the ESPORTSM qualifiers in Starcraft 2 are now completed and our very own Anton [...]
ESPORT Ta mikropauser och lek! ESPORTDu där som spelat i två timmar i sträck nu. Res på dig, ta en mikropaus. Rör på dig eller stret [...]
ESPORT NaNiwa and Zanster in tonights WCS matches ESPORTTonight NaNiwa and Zanster will fight for their survival in second season of this years WCS. [...]
ESPORT Property vs Liquid LotV showmatch sunday 18.00 CET ESPORTThis Sunday we will be facing Team Liquid in a Legacy of the Void showmatch series arranged by [...]
ESPORT MorroWs Blog – My WCS run ESPORTNow when my WCS run for season 1 is over I figured i’d write a summary on whats been [...]
ESPORT Plans for 2015, better late than never ESPORTI’m a bit late telling you about my plans for 2015. I just have too much going on, but here g [...]
ESPORT Vi söker skribenter ESPORTVi i Team Property söker människor som kan hjälpa till med vår lagsida här på Aftonbladet Espor [...]