CS:GO Emilio gör comeback: ”Har mycket att bevisa för mig själv” CS:GOJoel ”emilio” Mako kan vara på väg tillbaka till CS:GO-scenen. I ett F [...]
ESPORT Dustin March Madness match report ESPORTMarch Madness was held at Dustin Expo in Ericsson Globe, Sweden. This specific game was between [...]
SC2 Team Property värvar NaNiwa: ”Vill bli bäst i världen” SC2Team Property storsatsar på Starcraft2. Den svenska esport-organisationen har värvat in en av S [...]
ESPORT Team Property signs NaNiwa ESPORTToday we are proud to announce that Johan “NaNiwa” Lucchesi will be joining our Starcraft 2 tea [...]
ESPORT Match report GOCL: Team Property VS Flipsid3 ESPORTGlobal Offensive Championship League provided a new match yesterday, the 24th of March. Two [...]
ESPORT Video tour of Gfinity Spring Masters ESPORTIf you missed out on the Gfinity Spring CSGO Masters, dont you worry! I made a short video tour [...]
CS:GO ”We usually follow Valve but this event is too close” CS:GOCopenhagen Games will take place during the easter weekend. With the upcoming switch from Nuke [...]
CS:GO Copenhagen Games: Vi kommer inte byta Nuke mot Train CS:GOCopenhagen Games hägrar runt knuten. Valve har deklarerat att de inom en stundande framtid k [...]
ESPORT Dustin March Madness ESPORTVi i Team Property möter på lördag Team Orbit och gör upp i actionfyllda Counter-Strike Global o [...]
CS:GO NiP vinner rysare i Gfinity: ”Grym match” CS:GONinjas in Pyjamas är klara för slutspel i Gfinity. Det efter en otroligt spännande match mot si [...]
ESPORT Match summary from CS:GO at Gfinity ESPORTGfinity is under it´s way with Team Property´s Male CS:GO team that qualified earlier this y [...]
CS:GO Schneider: ”Hoping JW can lead the way in tough situations” CS:GOTeam Property have travelled to the British Island to face some of the best teams in the world [...]
CS:GO Schneider: ”Vi vill göra Team Property stolta i alla lägen” CS:GOTeam Property har rest till de brittiska öarna för att göra upp med världseliten i Gfinity. Nu b [...]
ESPORT jw to stand-in for Zende at Gfinity ESPORTWith Gfinity just a few days away we have a announcement to make regarding our lineup for the [...]
ESPORT Emil’s thoughts on CS:GO ESPORTOur newest writer Emil Sommer shares his thoughts and view on Team Propertys male CS:GO team [...]