ESPORT Namaste! ESPORTSome days I feel like I have the energy to do anything. I jump around, swing on bars and feel [...]
ESPORT My past half year of calisthenics ESPORTAlmost a year ago I decided to try an outdoor gym for the first time. After that first time, I [...]
ESPORT How I watch GSL ESPORTSome people like to make excuses NOT to work out. I like to make excuses to work out. When I [...]
ESPORT Svar till André Persson som skriver om nackdelar med e-sport ESPORT“Försenad språkutveckling, allvarliga hälsoproblem och påtaglig risk att utveckla spelberoende ä [...]
ESPORT Annorlunda promenader ESPORTAtt promenera är trevligt. Jag gör det ofta men lite annorlunda. I närheten av där jag bor fin [...]
ESPORT The cold never bothered me anyway ESPORTI love working out outside. However, the snow and ice makes it a bit tricky. But today the [...]
ESPORT 100 pull-ups per day for 31 days ESPORTI kind of agreed to this challenge. Some of my friends are doing it and even if it seems a bit [...]
ESPORT DreamHack workout video! ESPORTIf you didn’t know, I’m at DreamHack. It’s amazing as always. I used to use [...]
ESPORT Workout blog for a week, day 7 – chest. The end :) ESPORTFor general questions about the workout blog, read the introduction to it here. This is the [...]
ESPORT Workout blog for a week, day 6 – back ESPORTFor general questions about the workout blog read the Introduction :). One day of deadlift, f [...]
ESPORT Workout blog for a week, day 4 – shoulders ESPORTFor general questions about the workout blog, read the introduction to it here. One day of sh [...]
ESPORT Workout blog for a week, day 3 – legs ESPORTFor general questions about the workout blog, read the introduction to it here. What about le [...]
ESPORT Workout blog for a week, day 2 – muscle-ups ESPORTFor general questions about the workout blog, read the introduction to it here. Since there are [...]
ESPORT Workout blog for a week, day 1 – Abs ESPORTFor general questions about the workout blog, read the introduction to it here. When I work out [...]
ESPORT Workout blog for a week, introduction ESPORTWorking out is a big part of my life and recently I’ve received a lot of questions about my tr [...]