Trig esports suspected of economical crimes – Accountants resign after investigation
Trig Social Media have among others sponsored players such as Enrique ”xPeke” Cedeño but are now the suspects of economical crimes. The accountant firm Pwc now steps down from their duties after conducting their own investigation towards Trig.
– Our analysis shows that they have a very low number of active users, Pwc writes in a report to the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
Trig Social Media have received attention with their ambition to compete with sites like facebook. They have recruited esport stars such as Jang ”MC” Min Chul and Jan ”Faramir” Engelmann and sponsor Enrique ”xPeke” Cedeños Team Origen. Now the company are suspects of economical crimes and have since some time ago been under investigation from the German finance inspection bureau, Bafir.
”Very low number of active users”
Last week Lars Hellewig, the company’s lawyer, left his chair in the board of directors and on Monday it also became known that the accountant firm Pwc stepped down from their duties after conducting their own investigation towards Trig. Their conclusion was that Trig cannot confirm a lot of important and basic information. Among other things a large number of alleged users that can not be validated as anything but ”a list of e-mail addresses”.
– Trig Social Media have many times underlined the importance of their memberbase with more than 3 million users. Our analysis shows that they have a very low number of active users that generate income. Also we have not been able to verify that the company are working activly towards their members nor have any plans for how to raise the incomes, Pwc writes in a report to the Swedish Companies Registration Office acording to Veckans Affärer.
Suspects of market abuse
The Swedish authorities have also been notified.
– We have received information that there are suspicion of irregularities within Trig Social Media. We’ve had contact with the Swedish National Economic Crimes Bureau today and we are investing market abuse, but not all forms of economical crimes. These are questions that are on the Swedish national economic crimes bureaus desk, Jonatan Holst says, Chief of press at the Swedish Finance Inspection.