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Bomber i New York

av Martin Schori

En bomb exploderade nära en container i området Chelsea på natten mellan fredag och lördag. 29 personer skadades.

NEW YORK 2016-09-18 Fire rescue crews block off the street near the scene of an explosion in the Chelsea neighbourhood of New York, U.S. in this September 17, 2016 handout photo obtained via Twitter. Neha Jain via Twitter/Handout via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000

NEW YORK 2016-09-18 New York City firefighters stand near the site of an explosion in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, New York, U.S. September 17, 2016. REUTERS/Rashid Umar Abbasi TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
Brandmän och polis kom snabbt till platsen. REUTERS / TT

NEW YORK 2016-09-18 New York City firefighters stand near the site of an explosion in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan, New York September 17, 2016. REUTERS/Rashid Umar Abbasi TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000REUTERS / TT

NEW YORK 2016-09-18 A view of a mangled dumpster at the site of an explosion that occurred on Saturday night in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York, USA, September 18, 2016. REUTERS/Justin Lane/Pool TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000En del av containern som sprängdes i dådet. REUTERS / TT / kod 72000

NEW YORK 2016-09-18 New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (L) and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (R) tour the site of an explosion that occurred on Saturday night in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York, USA,September 18, 2016. REUTERS/Justin Lane/Pool TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY Photo: / REUTERS / TT / kod 72000
New Yorks borgmästare Bill de Blasio och guvernör Andrew Cuomo inspekterar platsen på lördagen. REUTERS / TT

FBI-agenter på platsen där en bomb exploderade i Chelsea. Foto: ReutersReuters

En polis går förbi området där myndigheterna detonerade en bomb som hittats vid en tågstation i New Jersey. Foto: Reuters
En polis går förbi området där myndigheterna detonerade en bomb som hittats vid en tågstation i New Jersey. Reuters