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Lurade döden på Medelhavet

av Martin Schori

Avtalet mellan EU och Turkiet skulle få stopp på drunkningsdöden i Medelhavet.

I stället dör fler flyktingar än någonsin. Hittills i år har minst 3 930 människor dött jämfört med 3 771 under hela 2015.

– Det här är det värsta vi har sett, säger William Spindler på UNHCR.

Migrants and refugees panic as they fall in the water during a rescue operation of the Topaz Responder rescue ship run by Maltese NGO Moas and Italian Red Cross, off the Libyan coast in the Mediterranean Sea, on November 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO / TT / kod 444
Flyktingar dras ur havet utanför Maltas kust den 3 november.  AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO / TT

Migrants and refugees panic as they fall in the water during a rescue operation of the Topaz Responder rescue ship run by Maltese NGO Moas and Italian Red Cross, off the Libyan coast in the Mediterranean Sea, on November 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO / TT / kod 444

Migrants and refugees panic as they fall in the water during a rescue operation of the Topaz Responder rescue ship run by Maltese NGO Moas and Italian Red Cross, off the Libyan coast in the Mediterranean Sea, on November 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO / TT / kod 444

Migrants and refugees seated on a rubber boat grab life jackets thrown by members of the crew of the Topaz Responder rescue ship run by Maltese NGO Moas and Italian Red Cross, off the Libyan coast in the Mediterranean Sea, on November 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO / TT / kod 444
TOPSHOT - Migrants gesture towards members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO as they wait to be rescued in the Mediterranean sea, some 12 nautical miles north of Libya, on October 4, 2016. At least 1,800 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast, the Italian coastguard announced, adding that similar operations were underway around 15 other overloaded vessels. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444
Människor i havet ropar på hjälp till en båt från organisationen Proactiva Open Arms, 12 nautiska mil utanför Libyens kust. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT /

TOPSHOT - A migrant hangs from a boat as they wait to be rescued as they drift in the Mediterranean Sea, some 12 nautical miles north of Libya, on October 4, 2016. At least 1,800 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast, the Italian coastguard announced, adding that similar operations were underway around 15 other overloaded vessels. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

TOPSHOT - Migrants wait to be rescued by members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO in the Mediterranean Sea, some 12 nautical miles north of Libya, on October 4, 2016. At least 1,800 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast, the Italian coastguard announced, adding that similar operations were underway around 15 other overloaded vessels. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

TOPSHOT - Migrants wait to be rescued by members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO in the Mediterranean Sea, some 12 nautical miles north of Libya, on October 4, 2016. At least 1,800 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast, the Italian coastguard announced, adding that similar operations were underway around 15 other overloaded vessels. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

TOPSHOT - Migrants wait to be rescued by members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO in the Mediterranean Sea, some 12 nautical miles north of Libya, on October 4, 2016. At least 1,800 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast, the Italian coastguard announced, adding that similar operations were underway around 15 other overloaded vessels. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

TOPSHOT - Migrants try to pull a child out of the water as they wait to be rescued by members of Proactiva Open Arms NGO in the Mediterranean sea, some 12 nautical miles north of Libya, on October 4, 2016. At least 1,800 migrants were rescued off the Libyan coast, the Italian coastguard announced, adding that similar operations were underway around 15 other overloaded vessels. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

Migrants wait to be rescued in the mediteranean sea some 20 nautical miles north off the coast of Libya on October 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

Migrants wait to be rescued in the mediteranean sea some 20 nautical miles north off the coast of Libya on October 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444
Räddningsaktionen genomfördes på dagen tre år efter det att 366 migranter omkom i ett skeppsbrott utanför ön Lampedusa i Medelhavet, en händelse som fick många att inse vidden av flyktingkrisen. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT /

A migrant hangs from a boat as they wait to be rescued as they drift in the Mediterranean Sea some 20 nautical miles north off the coast of Libya on October 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

Migrants wait to be rescued as they drift in the Mediterranean Sea some 20 nautical miles north off the coast of Libya on October 3, 2016. Italy coordinated the rescue of more than 5,600 migrants off Libya, three years to the day after 366 people died in a sinking that first alerted the world to the Mediterranean migrant crisis. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444
Endast en av migranterna uppges ha omkommit, medan en gravid kvinna fördes till sjukhus med helikopter. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT /
A child from African origin is rescued from a distressed vessel by a member of Proactiva Open Arms NGO in the mediteranean sea some 20 nautical miles north of Libya on October 3, 2016. Thousands of migrants are "racing against the clock" to make the perilous crossing from Libya to Europe before summer ends, with authorities in the conflict-torn country at a loss to stem the flow. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444
Omkring 132 000 migranter har anlänt till Italien sedan början av året. Över 3 000 har omkommit, enligt Internationella Organisationen för Migration. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT /

A man from African origin looks on after being rescued from a distressed vessel by a member of Proactiva Open Arms NGO in the mediteranean sea some 20 nautical miles north of Libya on October 3, 2016. Thousands of migrants are "racing against the clock" to make the perilous crossing from Libya to Europe before summer ends, with authorities in the conflict-torn country at a loss to stem the flow. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

A migrant is rescued from the mediteranean sea by a member of Proactiva Open Arms NGO some 20 nautical miles north of Libya on October 3, 2016. Thousands of migrants are "racing against the clock" to make the perilous crossing from Libya to Europe before summer ends, with authorities in the conflict-torn country at a loss to stem the flow. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444
Migrants hang from a boat as they wait to be rescued as they drift in the Mediterranean Sea some 20 nautical miles north off the coast of Libya on October 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

Migrants wait to be rescued as they drift at sunset in the Mediterranean Sea some 20 nautical miles north off the coast of Libya on October 3, 2016. Italy coordinated the rescue of more than 5,600 migrants off Libya, three years to the day after 366 people died in a sinking that first alerted the world to the Mediterranean migrant crisis. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444

Migrants wait to be rescued as they drift in the Mediterranean Sea some 20 nautical miles north off the coast of Libya on October 3, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS / TT / kod 444