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Rivningen av ”Djungeln” i Calais

av Martin Schori

Evakueringen av flyktinglägret ”Djungeln” i Calais har påbörjats. Timmarna före rivningen delade franska tjänstemän ut flygblad till de boende i flyktinglägret om rivningen och uppmanade dem att överge sina drömmar om att nå Storbritannien.

Mellan 6 000 och 8 000 människor beräknas bo i lägret. De ska nu spridas till olika mottagningscenter runt om i Frankrike.

Läs Aftonbladets Staffan Lindberg och Krister Hanssons reportage här.

©fotograf krister hansson malmö 20161023 the jungel utanför caliais centrum.

©fotograf krister hansson malmö 20161023 the jungel utanför caliais centrum.
Polisen har slagit en järnring kring lägret.

©fotograf krister hansson malmö 20161023 the jungel utanför caliais centrum.


©fotograf krister hansson malmö 20161023 the jungel utanför caliais centrum.


foto : neil hall : calais 2016-10-23 french crs riot police secure an area on the eve of the evacuation and transfer of migrants to reception centers in france, and the dismantlement of the camp called the jungle in calais, france, october 23, 2016. reuters/neil hall photo: / reuters / tt / kod 72000 french crs riot police secure an area on the eve of the evacuation and transfer of migrants to reception centers in france, and the dismantlement of the camp called the jungle in calai europe-migrants/calaiREUTERS/TT

foto : philippe wojazer : calais 2016-10-23 french crs police are seen in silhouette as flames are seen on the eve of the evacuation and transfer of migrants to reception centers in france, and the dismantlement of the camp called the jungle in calais, france, october 23, 2016. reuters/philippe wojazer tpx images of the day photo: / reuters / tt / kod 72000 french crs police are seen in silhouette as flames are seen on the eve of the evacuation and transfer of migrants to reception centers in france, and the dismantlement of the camp called the jungle in calai europe-migrants/calai
CALAIS, FRANCE - OCTOBER 23: Migrants leave messages on thir tents in the Jungle migrant camp as people living their contemplate their next move before authorities demolish the site on October 23, 2016 in Calais, France. Volunteers and official have began distributing leaflets and information to migrants as the french authorities prepare to start clearing the Jungle migrant and refugee camp tomorrow. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
Flyktingar protesterar mot beslutet. Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
CALAIS, FRANCE - OCTOBER 23: Migrants leave messages on thir tents in the Jungle migrant camp as people living their contemplate their next move before authorities demolish the site on October 23, 2016 in Calais, France. Volunteers and official have began distributing leaflets and information to migrants as the french authorities prepare to start clearing the Jungle migrant and refugee camp tomorrow. (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images